Photos Settings

Table Of Contents

To access the photos configuration navigate to WP Admin -> PeepSo -> Configuration -> Photos

Configuration Settings #

  • Maximum Upload Size In Megabytes – Administrators can set the maximum size of a single upload batch. The default is a maximum of 20mb of photos in one batch.
  • Autoplay GIFs – Enable: will autoplay GIFs on posts and comments.
  • Show amount of storage used by each member in users page – if enabled, Administrators can see the amount of storage used in WP-Admin > Users (*) as per the screenshot below.
  • Allowed Space Per User In Megabytes – Administrators can set the amount of space allocated to each user in megabytes.
  • Maximum Number Of Photos Per User – Administrators can restrict the number of photos each user can upload.
  • Daily Photo Upload Limit Per User – Limiting the number of photos users can upload each day helps to restrict spam.
  • Photo Upload Behaviour – On upload, PeepSo can handle images in two ways:
    • Use Original โ€“ Publish the photos as is, regardless of size.
    • Resize โ€“ Photos are resized, if too big, to fit the maximum width and height based on chosen settings.
  • Maximum image width – When using the Resize option in the โ€˜Photo Upload Behaviorโ€™ the image will be resized, if too big, to fit the maximum width set here.
  • Maximum image height – When using the Resize option in the โ€˜Photo Upload Behaviorโ€™ the image will be resized, if too big, to fit the maximum height set here.
  • Image Quality – Every image thatโ€™s uploaded to PeepSo is converted to a .jpg these settings control the quality of the uploaded image.
  • Thumbnail Quality – This setting is responsible for the thumbnail quality of the uploaded image. The thumbnail is for example on the Activity Stream.


Enable AWS S3 Storage configuration.


(*) WP-Admin > Users, “Storage used in MB”:

What are your feelings
Updated on March 14, 2024