SEO and Open Graph settings

PeepSo handles Open Graph in a completely new way. This is a big change! After offering no control at all over Open Graph in the previous version, PeepSo now has settings that let admins set the default image, title, and description.

That’s a big improvement but we’re working with Facebook, so it’s not as straightforward as we might like.

Open Graph handling has been designed to be fully aware of context, shared links and privacy. So if someone posts a picture, adds a description, mood, and location, but sets any privacy setting on the post to not ‘Private,’ when a link to that activity is shared on Facebook, Facebook will only fetch the defaults added in the Open Graph handling settings.

If the post has a ‘Public’ setting, Facebook behaves very differently. It will share the added picture as the Open Graph image, take the title from defaults, and take the description from the post together with the mood and location name. Sharing a link to a user’s public profile will fetch their cover and avatar as the Open Graph image.

That sounds complicated but privacy was our priority and we made sure it works exactly as it should.

You can find SEO and Open Graph settings in WP Admin -> PeepSo -> Configuration -> Advanced

SEO and Open Graph #

Title (og:title)
Your site open graph Title, depending on where the links will be shared, the title can be cropped to even 40 characters. Keep the title short and to the point.

Description (og:description)
Your site open graph description, depending on where the links will be shared, the description can be cropped to even 200 characters. Keep the description short and to the point.

Image (og:image)
Your site open graph image.

Advanced SEO #

Enable SEO Friendly links
Enabled: It will remove “?” from certain PeepSo URLs, such as “profile/?username/about”. This feature is currently in BETA and should be considered experimental.

Prevent variable encoding/redirects
Enabled: Prevents WordPress from redirecting certain URLs like test?lorem/ipsum to test?lorem%2Fipsum. This feature is currently in BETA

PeepSo can reset WP_Query
Enabled: This advanced feature causes PeepSo pages to override the global WP_Query for better SEO. This can interfere with SEO plugins, so use with caution.


What are your feelings
Updated on September 27, 2023