Header options

To modify the Header section go to WP Admin -> Gecko -> Gecko Customizer -> Theme -> Header that contains the following elements.

Basic header options

  • Display Header – show hide header
  • Full-width mode – enables full with header globally throughout the site

Long Menu Support

  • Enable long menu – If there is not enough space in the header to display all the menu links in a single line, the remaining links will be hidden and placed under a dropdown menu.

Sticky Header

When the “sticky header” setting is enabled, the header will remain fixed at the top of the page and follow along as the user scrolls down the content.

  • On desktop
  • On mobile

Header Colors

  • Header Background
  • Header logo (text) color
  • Header tagline color
  • Header text color
  • Header links color
  • Header links hover color
  • Header active link indicator

Header Menu

For header menu alignment, choose one of the following alignment options:

  • Center
  • Left
  • Right

Header menu font-size

Use a slider to adjust the font size of your header menu – decrease or increase the font size, respectively.

What are your feelings
Updated on October 2, 2023