Customize Sticky Top Widget Areas

With the help of Gecko Customizer you can customize Sticky Top (above header) and Sticky Top (under header) areas. To do this go to WP Admin -> Gecko -> Gecko Customizer -> Widgets -> Sticky Top (above header) / Sticky Top (under header).

When you expand the settings of this item, you will find:

  • Background color – adjust the background color
  • Text color – adjust text color
  • Links color – adjust link color
  • Links hover color – adjust link color on hover
  • Font-size – adjust font size
  • Additional padding inside bar – set additional padding if necessary
  • Full width – Will remove container maximum width and default side padding.
  • Display on desktop – Enable or disable the position in the desktop view
  • Display on mobile – Enable or disable the item in the mobile view
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Updated on October 2, 2023