Twitter Login

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To use Twitter login, an app on Twitter site needs to be created first.
Go to, click “Create an app”

It is now time to answer some questions;

  • App name (required) – Display name that will be used to distinguish the application
  • Application description (required) – Short description of the application purpose
  • Website URL (required) – Your site fully qualified domain name (eg:
  • Allow this application to be used to sign in with Twitter – You must enable this
  • Callback URLs – Provide this URL as a callback. Make sure to change the domain nameย
  • Terms of Service URL – If you wish, you can leave your ToS link here
  • Privacy policy URL – Privacy policy link
  • Organization name – Name of your organisation
  • Organization website URL – Your website
  • Tell us how this app will be used (required) – Explain how will you use this application, in your own words. Some common example would be similar to this;
    – I will use this application to allow visitors of my site to connect and create user account while using Twitter API.

Once ready, click on Create button, review the terms, and click Create again

Go to Keys and Tokens to find your API keys that you’ll copy and paste into the plugin configuration.

What are your feelings
Updated on October 3, 2023