Blogposts Configuration

To access this configuration navigate to WP Admin -> PeepSo -> Configuration -> Blog Posts

Author Profiles Panel #

  • Enabled – Show “Blog Posts” tab in user profiles
  • Hide when empty – The profile tab will not appear if the user has no blog posts

Two Column Layout Panel #

  • Enable two column layout – Enable to change Blog Posts layout into two column layout in Blog Posts user Profiles
  • Box height (px) – Set Box Height for Blog Posts box in Blog Posts user Profiles

Featured Images Panel #

  • Show featured images – Show featured images in Blog Posts Box
  • Placeholder – Show placeholder image for empty Blog Posts Image
  • Position – Image Position. Top (rectangle), Left (square), and Right (square)
  • Height (px) – Image Height in Pixels

Text Panel #

  • Length limit (words) – Limit words content in Blog Posts Box
  • Aggressive shortcode removal – Forced removal of some shortcodes immune to native WP methods (eg Divi Builder and similar). This is an experimental feature, we recommend using plain-text excerpts instead.

Author Box #

  • Enable Author Box – Adds a small “about the author” box under blog posts, author description/bio displays info saved in Profile -> About tab -> About Me field 

User Submitted Posts integration #

Option to enable integration will only show if you have User Submitted Posts plugin installed and activated.

CMinds User Submissions integration #

Option to enable integration will only show if you have CMinds User Submitted Posts plugin installed and activated.


Activity Stream Panel #

  • Post to Activity Stream – Enable/Disable post to activity stream
  • Action text – Change the text that will show in activity stream
  • Append title after action text – Append blogpost title after action text on stream
  • Default privacy – Default stream privacy

Hashtags integration #

  • Hashtags in PeepSo stream post – Hashtags position in PeepSo stream post
    • Below author name
    • Above post preview
    • Below post preview
  • Hashtags in WordPress post – Hashtags position in WordPress post
    • No
    • Above post
    • Below post
    • Above & below post
  • Sort alphabetically – sort hashtags alphabetically, applied only when saving a blog post.
  • Enable “Use WordPress tags” for new posts – Enable “Use WordPress tags” option by default, applies only when adding a new post.
  • Enable “Use WordPress categories” for new posts – Enable “Use WordPress categories” option by default, applies only when adding a new post.

Comments integration #

Replaces WordPress comments with PeepSo comments and likes/reactions.

  • Enabled – Master switch to enable or disable integration
  • Hide “join now” cover – Hides the default PeepSo cover shown to guests.
  • Header (general) – Displays above the entire comments integration
  • Header (like/Reaction) – Custom Header display before Like/Reaction
  • Header (comments) – Custom Header display above Comment

Video tutorial covering the Blogpost: #


What are your feelings
Updated on September 27, 2023