Woocommerce Integration On Profiles

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Welcome to unified shopping experience where users, except when visiting the store, don’t have to leave the social aspect of your site. Store navigation has been added to User Profiles in PeepSo. Orders and Cart menus are available in PeepSo Profile Widget as well as in the dropdown on PeepSo Toolbar.

Addresses #

Users can set their shipping and billing addresses right in their profiles in PeepSo. When you go to Profile -> About you’ll see that there’s a new tab called Addresses.

Orders #

Orders are a bit more complex than that, since this is one of the most important aspects of the shopping experience. That’s one of the reasons they are put in a separate tab in profiles. Orders come with three views, those are: Orders, Order Tracking and Downloads (if you’re selling digital goods).

Cart #

This consists of pretty much 2 views, the actual Cart and Checkout. Both are rather self-explanatory

What are your feelings
Updated on October 2, 2023