Community Guidelines

The short version / TL;DR

We see PeepSo Community as a place to discuss building communities, PeepSo itself as software, a place for collaboration between its members where they can help each other in various ways, whether by sharing helpful materials or advice. Going off-topic is fine once in a while and in a proper After Hours group as to not โ€˜spamโ€™ the community and keep the focus.

The long version / TS;WM

PeepSo Community was established to serve few purposes. Firstly, itโ€™s a showcase of our software which you can see in the real world and outside of a demo. Secondly, itโ€™s meant as a safe and focused space for our clients who want to get to know more about our software, building communities and keep in touch with PeepSo team. Thirdly, it serves as an auxiliary platform for our clients to get support beyond our ticketing system.

We believe in focus. Thatโ€™s one of main reasons we created PeepSo and keep making it better every day. Focus is keeping our community clean and clear of unwanted random content so that its members can get easier to the information they look for without being distracted.

These guidelines are created to ensure we can create the best possible space for you and in turn later on for your community. By having an account on you agree to these guidelines as well as other Policies and Terms of Use. Going out of bounds of these guidelines could result in content removal and banned accounts. Account bans are global and affect not only PeepSo Community access but also access to your purchases.

Feel free to share any and all questions regarding PeepSo. How it works and all. Report problems, if you have any. Report bugs, so our developers can squish them and ensure they donโ€™t appear in the future.

We encourage you to share information about the community that you are building. Share the link to it. Shed some lite on whatโ€™s its focus. Who should join it. Add some great screenshots. We have a dedicated Showcase group for that. Itโ€™s perfectly fine to let others know about it. People can give you advice, some criticism. Itโ€™s perfectly fine if, itโ€™s not perfect. Nothing got built in a day. Definitely not social networks.

Inappropriate, illegal content and spam will not be tolerated and will result in its removal as well as banning your account followed by sending information to the proper authorities dependent on your country of residence.

Remember that respect is something that goes both ways. It needs to be given to be received. Respect your fellow community members as well as PeepSo staff. Reports of abuse will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Sharing what in your opinion is a useful service, theme, plugin is great. However, they mustnโ€™t be designed as purely promotional posts designed to lure members to buy whatever it is youโ€™re trying to sell. We also do not allow sharing links that lead directly or indirectly to PeepSo competitors, though.

Every member can see an option to report posts and comments. If you feel some content is inappropriate, please do report it so PeepSo staff can handle it.

We believe these guidelines are fair and easy to follow. Anyone with common sense and human decency shouldnโ€™t have any issues following them. If you donโ€™t follow guidelines, perhaps you should find a different community to be a part of. Or build one yourself. Make no mistake, this is our community and we will enforce these guidelines to the best of our abilities to have a well-prospering and focused space for likeminded people who are passionate about PeepSo and building communities.

By using website, you do agree to these guidelines as well as other policies linked to in the footer of the site. These guidelines are subject to change without prior notice. You are responsible for reviewing it on a regular basis.

Community by PeepSo

Super-light and free social networking plugin for WordPress