Our Custom Development Services

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Social Network with PeepSo Custom Development

Plugin Customization

Tailor PeepSo to your needs with custom features and functionalities that enhance user engagement.

Theme Design

Transform your site with custom themes that reflect your brand’s identity and resonate with your community.

Integration Solutions

Seamlessly integrate PeepSo with any WordPress plugins and third-party services, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Custom Add-On Development

Extend PeepSo’s capabilities with custom add-ons, catering to your community’s unique demands and interests.

Migration Services

Effortlessly migrate your existing community to PeepSo without losing valuable data, ensuring a smooth transition for your users.

Performance Optimization

Enhance your site’s speed and efficiency, providing a seamless experience for your growing community.

Why Choose PeepSo’s In-House Services?

Direct Access to Experts

Work closely with the creators of PeepSo for insider knowledge and optimal solutions.

Tailored Solutions

Get services specifically designed for PeepSo, ensuring compatibility and performance.

Ongoing Support

Enjoy peace of mind. We’ll take care of the maintenance of the features developed.


If you invest more than $5,000 in Custom Development (can be spent over a few custom development orders) you’ll additionally get the following.

That’s lifetime access to all of our currently available and future plugins for up to 5 websites. That comes with Lifetime Priority Technical Support as well.

We would be delighted to feature Your Community on our blog and across our social media platforms. However, please be advised that we maintain discretionary authority to forego such promotion should we determine that Your Community does not align with our promotional criteria.

Share Your Vision With Us

Contact us to discuss your project and explore how PeepSo can bring your vision to life. Share the whole thing with us, in as much detail as possible so we can help you turn your vision into reality.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?

Our custom development services are offered at a competitive rate of $50per hour, with the flexibility to accommodate projects of any scale. We pride ourselves on providing tailored solutions without imposing any restrictions on the scope of work.

What does the development process look like?

Our approach to each project is highly personalized, taking into account the unique requirements and scale of the endeavor. For projects anticipated to require less than 20 hours of work, we typically finalize the specifics directly with yo, paving the way for swift execution and delivery. For more extensive projects, we implement a structured project management system, providing you with access to a dedicated board where you can monitor progress, offer feedback, and approve key milestones.

Determining the scope of your project begins with your initial proposal. We encourage you to present us with a detailed description of the features you wish to add or modify. The clarity and precision of your request greatly facilitate our ability to provide an accurate estimate. Upon reaching an agreement on pricing and timelines, we will issue an invoice, which can be settled via wire transfer, credit card, or PayPal. Following payment, we integrate the planning of your requested features into our regular development cycle, ensuring delivery within the agreed timeframe. For larger-scale projects, we offer the option to divide payments into several installments, accommodating more flexible financial planning.

Are there any alternatives?

Should our Professional Services exceed your budget, we are more than willing to refer you to experienced third-party developers familiar with PeepSo solutions. These developers can offer alternative quotes, ensuring you have options that align with your financial and project needs. Additionally, you are welcome to engage any third-party developer of your choosing, prioritizing your comfort and trust in their capabilities.

To support your development efforts, we can supply a PeepSo Hello World plugin as a foundational tool for creating new plugins for PeepSo. This resource is designed to illustrate the integration and interaction of various components, serving as an invaluable guide for development. Furthermore, we are happy to provide general guidance on problem-solving strategies at no cost, underscoring our commitment to facilitating your project’s success.

What To Avoid At All Cost

It is crucial, however, to heed the following advice: Directly modifying the code of PeepSo or its plugins is strongly discouraged. Such actions not only represent a shortcut in development practices but also pose significant risks. Altered code precludes the possibility of receiving updates, upgrades, or technical support. Moreover, any custom modifications will be lost upon updating the software, as they will be overwritten, resulting in the loss of your customizations. For the integrity and longevity of your project, we strongly advise against taking such measures. Please do contact us for more details on this.

Community by PeepSo

Super-light and free social networking plugin for WordPress