Creating The Group

Once Groups plugin is enabled and configuration is set that allows members to create groups, you can navigate to the Groups page and click on the “Create Group” button

Once clicked, it will invoke the popup with options to choose:

  • Group Name
  • Group Description
  • Group Category (if categories enabled in backend configuration)
  • Group Privacy

While group name and description are self explanatory, the privacy option is where things get interesting.

You will have the following options to choose for group privacy

  • Open – Non-members can see everything in the group, but they can’t post.
  • Private – Users need to be invited or request the group membership. Non-members can only see the group page.
  • Secret – Users must be invited. Non-members won’t ever see this group.

Once you’re happy with the settings, press “Create Group” button and your group will be created.

The video tutorial that covers Groups: #


What are your feelings
Updated on October 4, 2023