Google Login

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To start with the integration, go toย
Click “Create Project

Give it a recognisable name and press “Create

Give it a few moments until it’s set then from the left sidebar, expand the OAuth Consent screen”.
Select “External” and press “Create”

Add all required information in:

  • App information
  • App domain
  • Authorized domains
  • Developer contact information

The example of the settings is shown on the images bellow

Click “Save and Continue” on all screens coming after.

From the left sidebar, go to “Credentials”, create new “OAuth client ID”


For application type select “Web Application”

Put your website domain in the Authorized JavaScript origins field. This should match with the current hostname https://your.domain.
Provide this URL as the Authorized redirect URI for your application:


After that click create.
At this moment, you should get the Client ID and Client Secret keys which you’ll enter in Social login configuration.

What are your feelings
Updated on October 3, 2023