EDD Backend Configuration

Access this configuration by going toย WP Admin -> PeepSo -> Configuration -> EDD.

General #

Profile Tab Display #

  • Profile tabs – change the tabs order.
  • Downloads tab – rename Downloads tab, leave empty for default value.
  • Orders tab – rename Orders tab, leave empty for default value.
  • Licenses tabย – rename Licenses tab, leave empty for default value. (requires EDD Software Licensing plugin)
  • Subscriptions tabย – rename Subscriptions tab, leave empty for default value. (requires EDD Recurring Payments plugin)
  • All Access tab ย – rename All access tab, leave empty for default value. (requires EDD All access plugin)

Shopping Activity #

Purchase activity content #

  • Post new purchases to stream – Enable/disable post to activity stream when user purchase a product.
  • Users can override this setting – If enabled user can override this setting in their preferences, as shown bellow (outlined in green)
  • Action text – Modify action text on stream when user purchase a product.
  • Enable for free purchases – Enable/disable post to activity stream when user purchase a free product.

All Access Settings #

Requires EDD All access plugin to be installed and activated.

  • all_access_customer_downloads_only – Enabled: Only show products that the customer has access to through All Access.
  • category – Specify multiple download category IDs using comma separated values. Leave empty to not show product in specific category.
  • exclude_category – Specify multiple download category IDs using comma separated values. Leave empty to not hide product in specific category.
  • tags – Specify multiple download tag IDs using comma separated values. Leave empty to not show product in specific tag.
  • exclude_tags – Specify multiple download tag IDs using comma separated values. Leave empty to not hide product in specific tag.
  • relation – Specify whether the products displayed have to be in ALL the categories/tags provided, or just in at least one.
  • number – Specify the maximum number of products to be displayed by the shortcode. Leave empty for default value
  • columns – Specify the maximum number of columns to be displayed by the shortcode. Leave empty for default value.
  • price – Enabled: Show price for each product.
  • excerpt – Enabled: Show excerpt for each product.
  • full_content – Enabled: Show full content for each product.
  • buy_button – Enabled: Show buy button/download button for each product.
  • thumbnails – Enabled: Show thumbnails for each product.
  • orderby – order products by
    • ID
    • post_date
    • price
    • random
    • title
  • orders – sort products
    • ASC
    • DESC
  • ids – Specify multiple download IDs using comma separated values. Leave empty to not show product in specific ID.
What are your feelings
Updated on Sep 27, 2023