Filter: custom cover size

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Plugin PeepSo Foundation
Since 1.11.4
Status Active

Description #

To use a custom cover size in your theme or plugin, simply pass an integer to PeepSoUser::get_cover($value). Custom sized images are generated on-the-fly and stored in the user’s directory.

If you do use custom cover images by passing an integer to PeepSoUser::get_cover(), you should hook into this filter to make sure your custom sized cover is deleted when the user removes it.

Examples #

Let’s say you use a custom sized cover of 666 somewhere in your plugin or theme:

Since PeepSo creates a file on-the-fly if needed, make sure the file is cleaned up when user removes his cover. To do that, you need to add your custom size to the array of integers.

What are your feelings
Updated on September 22, 2023