LearnDash on Frontend

User Profiles #

Right from the beginning there will be a courses tab appearing in the profiles where users can see the courses they’re enrolled in. Also, when you’re visiting other users profiles the context changes and you can see what courses others have enrolled in. Layout of the courses in profiles is configurable. You can change the column layouts, description sizes, cover image sizes etc.

Activity Stream #

Each time someone enrolls in a course there’s a post created on the activity stream. In a way it showcases the courses most popular with people. Other members can comment, react and in general interact with that post. Giving encouragement, asking questions and perhaps even enrolling in those courses themselves. There’s also a similar post created on the activity stream when a member completes a course.

VIP, Groups and Chat Plugins #

You can automatically assign VIP icons to members who have completed certain courses. Groups are a great addition to your courses because it can provide the comfort and focus to the discussions. Let’s say you have a few different courses in your offer. You set 5 groups corresponding to each of those courses. People can be automatically added to those groups when they enrolled in a course. The groups can be private or secret too, meaning those groups will be available to the people who actually enrolled. Each members can send a message one to another and also there is a button to directly chat with the Courses Instructor.

Widgets #

The integration also comes with the about the course author widget. The widget not only displays the author’s name, avatar and bio but also gives a call to action button that starts a chat with the course author. Just in case people needed another way to be able to reach out to their instructors. Additionally, there’s a related groups widget that shows which groups are connected to a given course you’re viewing. Both widgets show dynamic data based on the context you’re viewing.


What are your feelings
Updated on October 2, 2023