Poll’s Configuration

Table Of Contents

In version. the PeepSo Polls plugin has been merged with the free PeepSo Foundation and no longer exists as a separate plugin. You can find the settings in WP Admin -> PeepSo -> Configuration -> Stream posts -> Polls section.

Available Options #

  • Multi select polls
    • Enabled: users can cast more than one vote in each poll
    • Disabled: users can only vote for one option in each poll
  • Polls in groups
    • Enabled: polls are available in group posts
    • Disabled: polls are only available on community and profile streams
  • Allow vote changes – Does not apply to poll author and administrators
    • Enabled: users can change or delete their votes
    • Disabled: votes are final
  • Always show results – Does not apply to poll author and administrators
    • Enabled: users can see poll results before voting
    • Disabled: results are hidden from users who haven’t voted yet
  • Sort results by votes
    • No
    • Descending
    • Ascending
What are your feelings
Updated on October 3, 2023