Groups Backend Configuration

The settings of Groups can be found in WP Admin -> PeepSo -> Configuration -> Groups

General Panel #

  • Enable Group Creation – Turning this option on would allow all members of the community to create Groups. Turning this option off only allows the admins to create Groups.
  • Enable post updates upon groups avatar change – Post updates on Activity Stream when user changes groups avatar.
  • Enable post updates upon groups cover change – Post updates on Activity Stream when user changes groups cover.

New Members Panel #

  • Post to stream when joining – When enabled, automatically post on user’s stream when they join a group. These posts are deleted automatically when the user leaves or is removed/banned from the group.
  • Action text (on group stream) – Action text when joining a group, on group stream. For example “joined this group”. Leave empty for default. Applies to old posts too.
  • Action text (on other streams) – Action text when joining a group, on other stream. For example “joined a group:”. Leave empty for default. Applies to old posts too.

Notifications Section #

  • Automatically subscribe new members to notifications – Enabled: new group members will automatically be subscribed to receive new posts notifications (on-site)
  • Automatically subscribe new members to e-mails – Enabled: new group members will automatically be subscribed to receive new posts e-mail notifications

Group Listings Panel #

  • Show Group Owner and Creation Date – Show or hide the groups owner(s) in the groups listing
  • Show Creation Date – Show or hide the groups creation dates in the groups listing
  • Allow guest access – Show or hide the groups listing from visitors who are not logged in
  • Default sort – Dropdown with following options
    • Recently added (default)
    • Alphabetical
    • Members count
  • Default sort direction – Dropdown with following option
    • Descending (default)
    • Ascending
  • Default list style – Dropdown with following option
    • Grid
    • List

Categories Panel #

  • Enable group categories – Users will be able to assign groups to categories. To create categories go to WP Admin -> PeepSo -> Manage -> Group categories
  • Set group categories as default view – When groups page is opened, categories tab will be active
  • Allowed categories per group – Set a limit on the number of categories that can be assigned to a group
  • Each ajax call loads – select how many categories will show in each ajax call in category listing.

Category Listing Section #

  • Each category loads – Only this many groups will show in each category before offering a link to the full category listing..
  • Expand all categories – Disabled: only the first category shows a preview of the group listing.
  • Hide empty categories – Hide categories which don’t have any groups assigned to them.
  • Show group count – The count will not be accurate if a category contains unpublished or secret groups.

SEO Panel #

    • Use slugs in group URLs
      • Enabled: /groups/my-amazing-group/
      • Disabled: /groups/1234/
    • Group slug changes
      • Never: group slug will stay the same as the original group name.
      • When group name is changed: new group slug will be generated upon group name change.
      • By the group owner: the group owner can change the slug manually.

Advanced Panel #

  • Pin to top only inside groups – Enabled: pinned group posts will be pinned to top only in group views Disabled: pinned group posts will be also pinned to top on author profile and main activity
    • Use “pinned” style only in group context – Enabled: pinned group posts will only have a “pinned” style when viewed in the group context and single post view – Disabled: pinned group posts will always have the “pinned” style
  • Allow group managers to pin posts – Enabled: group management will be allowed to pin posts. – Disabled: only comunity/site administrators will be allowed to pin posts.
  • Force unique names – Enabled: PeepSo will disallow creating groups with the same names. Runs a risk of exposing the existence of secret groups to non-members.
  • Replace “invite” with “add” for Admins – Site and Community Administrators will add users to group without the need to confirm.
  • E-mail Admins when a new group is created – Users with Administrator role will receive an e-mail when a new group is created
  • Show membership summary for group names on stream – When enabled, hovering over group names on stream will display membership and following summary. This feature is likely to slow down stream performance.

Members tab #

    • Enabled ย – Turning this option will show group members.
    • Allow groups to override this setting ย – admins/group management can configure the setting to hide/show the members tab, at the individual group level.

Editing Group Posts and Comments Panel #

  • By group owners
    • Enabled: group owners can edit posts and comments in respective groups
    • Disabled: only admin can edit posts and comments
  • By group managers
    • Enabled: group managers can edit posts and comments in respective groups
    • Disabled: only admin can edit posts and comments
  • By group moderators
    • Enabled: group moderators can edit posts and comments in respective groups
    • Disabled: only admin can edit posts and comments

The video tutorial that covers Groups: #


What are your feelings
Updated on September 27, 2023