Integration Or Monetization Plugins Won’t Activate

PeepSo integration and monetization plugins require some third-party plugins to be installed and activated on the site before they can be used. If you don’t have appropriate plugin installed, then PeepSo integration and monetization plugins will show following warning.

The Plugins License Is OK. Why They Won’t Activate? #

The integration and monetization plugins actually require the respective plugins they are trying to integrate with.
For example, PeepSo Monetization: Woocommerce plugin won’t activate if you don’t have actual Woocommerce plugin installed and enabled on the site.

Same is true for every other integration or monetization plugin that shows this warning.

Where Can I Download Required Plugins #

PeepSo Integrations: BadgeOS – Download BadgeOS plugin from developers website
PeepSo Integrations: myCRED – Download MyCRED plugin from WP plugin directory
PeepSo Monetization: Paid Memberships Pro – Download  Paid Membership Pro from developer website
PeepSo Monetization: WPAdverts – Download WP Adverts from WP plugin directory
PeepSo Monetization: Advanced Ads – Download Advanced Ads from WP plugin directory
Peepso Monetization: LearnDash – Download LearnDash from developer website

PeepSo Monetization: WooCommerce, Dokan and Product Vendors  – Download Woocommerce from WP Plugin directory
Peepso Monetization: EDD – Download Easy Digital Downloads from developer website

After downloading and installing these plugins, make sure to activate them before activating PeepSo integration and monetization plugins.

I Don’t Use Those Plugins #

That’s completely fair, but make sure to disable PeepSo plugins that want to integrate with the software not available on the site.

What are your feelings
Updated on October 3, 2023