WPAdverts Backend Configuration

Available Options #

General Panel #

  • Enable User Classifieds – Enables the integration within PeepSo.
  • Disable Template Overrides – Will force using default WP Adverts template, even if within PeepSo
  • Enable WPAdverts Moderation – Classifieds need to be accepted by Admin before being published
  • Display Ads as – List or Grid
  • Allow guest access to Classifieds

Chat Integration #

  • Display Chat button

Activity Stream Integration #

  • Post to Stream – Turn on to post classifieds to stream when user create new classifieds
  • Default post privacy

Advanced #

  • Menu item label (main) – If you wish to change the “Classifieds” label, do it here
  • Menu item label (profiles) – Same thing, but for profile menus
  • Profile slug –ย Leave empty for default value. Example: /profile/?sinisa/classifieds
What are your feelings
Updated on September 27, 2023