Advanced Ads – Recommended Creation Process For Stream Ad

This article explains configuration of a third-plugin and may use images that will become obsolete if author of the third-party plugin changes it’s options. If that happens, please contact us immediately so we can update this doc accordingly.
Disclaimer: In this article we will only explain how to create PeepSo Stream Ad so they can show up as in the image bellow. We are not going to explain how to create different types of ads here.

Create Rotations and Placements #

Before we can proceed with creating the ads for activity stream, first thing to do is to make rotation groups and placements. We can do that by going into WP Admin -> Advanced Ads -> Groups & Rotation and clicking “Add New Add Group” button. Chose the name and press Save.
For this exercise, we are calling the Ad Group “PeepSo Stream Ads Group

Now go to WP Admin -> Advanced Ads -> Placements

  1. Select PeepSo Stream as a placement
  2. Name your placement. We call it PeepSo Stream Ads Placement in this excercise
  3. Select the “PeepSo Stream Ads Group” or however you named your rotation group
  4. Click “Save new placement” button

Now we can finally proceed to…

Creating The Ad #

Navigate to WP Admin -> Advanced Ads -> Ads

If there are no Ads created, you will immediately see the wizard to create new Ad. If you already have Ads, press “New Ad” button on the top

In this window, name your ad, and select “PeepSo Stream Ad” as an ad type

As soon as you select the PeepSo Stream Ad option, the process of creating the add should proceed to the next stage. If it doesn’t, press “Next“.

Now you need to provide an avatar image, title override, content, hero image and the url where you want the ad to point.
Once everything is in place, press “Next” two times.

When asked where you want to display the ad, chose existing placement, the one we created earlier

You will be greeted with Congratulations message saying your ad is visible on the frontend. But is it really?
In some cases, they might not be visible because the integration plugin is not configured to show any stream Ads. Please check the Backend Configuration article to see how to enable ads in the stream

Video tutorial that covers Advanced Ads integration and stream Ad creation #

What are your feelings
Updated on October 2, 2023