Changelog 2021

Changelog – 2021

december 20, 2021

  • Let admins repost their own posts
  • [PeepSo] Disable the browser hover pop-up label on member names
  • [Media] No conversion mode: allowlist needs to be case insensitive
  • [Media] No conversion mode: MOV not working in some scenarios
  • [Media] No conversion mode: if allowlist is empty it should only accept mp4
  • [PeepSo] User Submitted Posts integration conflixt with AIOSEO
  • [PeepSo] Default pages keep installing themselves if Elementor Pro is present
  • [PeepSo] Overlapping profile share/like button
  • [GECKO] Early Access: when “about” is set to profile home, wide cover menu does not highlight properly

December 12, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Early Access: Let admin set the main profile tab to “about”
  • [App] PeepSo User Bar UI/UX improvements, stage 1
  • [Events] MySQL performance improvements when creating events
  • [PeepSo] Markdown quote fails to terminate properly
  • [PeepSo] Video embeds from not full width
  • [App] Notification popup is not working properly with native interface of WPMobileApp
  • [Photos] Photos not loading in lightboxes if the ID is beyond a 32 int limit

No changes.

November 29, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Use the background image in Open Graph when sharing a Background Post
  • [PeepSo] PeepSo User Bar notifications box height adjustment
  • [PeepSo] WP Offload Media not working for custom VIP icons and post backgrounds
  • [Groups] Group description character countdown not working
  • [PeepSo] Rendering issues for guests, when hovering a VIP icon with hover cards disabled
  • WooCommerce: new setting to force single column view on mobile
  • Sticky Toolbar not working in Mobile App

November 24, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Let admin exclude hasthags below certain size from the widget
  • [WooCommerce] WooCommerce 5.9.0 compatibility
  • [PeepSo] Userbar: limit menu width (mobile)
  • [Events] PeepSo integration needs to skip “events” toolbar item if no page is configured in WPEM
  • [Groups] Improve the message on group page if non-member interactions are allowed
  • [Groups] More general privacy descriptions to stay in line with advanced group settings such as admin-only posts, disabled comments, allowing non-members to comment/like etc
  • [PeepSo] Blog content missing if author box is enabled and “about” field is disabled
  • [PeepSo] Cannot search for hashtags on activity stream on iOS using Chinese keyboard layout.
  • [PeepSo] WordPress image pages do not load (404 error) when โ€˜Enable SEO Friendly linksโ€™ is enabled
  • [PeepSo] Bruteforce fatal error if a third party overrides the $errors variable to “not a WP_Error”
  • [PeepSo] Double PeepSoPolls class causes a faral error when upgrading from a very old PeepSo version
  • [App] PeepSo infinite scroll issues and WPMA on item listing pages.
  • [Advanced Ads] Activity Stream not showing PeepSo ad if Birthdate field is disabled
  • [Groups] Group “more” button is not hidden even if there is no extra content.
  • [Groups] Incomplete email title for new group post notification
  • [PMP] Missing/skipped PMP Membership Confirmation page
  • [PMP] When the time period of paid membership ends, users do not get expelled from our groups automatically
  • Block handling improvements – stage 2
  • Admin panel improvements
  • General dark theme improvements
  • Gecko Page Options not affecting the when Posts Page is set to Blog Page
  • PeepSo UserBar conflict with Widget Options plugin
  • Oversized mobile logo on WooCommerce page

November 10, 2021

  • [Social Login] Fixed a potential critical error when loading the JWT library due to case-sensitive paths

No changes.

November 9, 2021

  • [PeepSo] GIPHY, Polls, VIP and WordFilter are now a part of PeepSo Foundation
  • [PeepSo] Store on-site notifications untranslated to enable third party multi-lingual plugin support
  • [PeepSo] “Preset URL” field type
  • [PeepSo] The “Followers” feature is now a part of PeepSo Foundation
  • [PeepSo] Followers profile tab
  • [PeepSo] Count followers and followings
  • [PeepSo] Add more information to profile details (under cover)
  • [PeepSo] The legacy “integrated PeepSo” widget position is now discontinued
  • [PeepSo] GIPHY: add to stream posts
  • [PeepSo] Let admin decide to hide profile completeness if all required fields are filled
  • [PeepSo] Polls: let admin define sorting by votes count
  • [Groups] Allow reactions and/or comments for non-members in open groups
  • [Media] Allow video uploads without conversions
  • [Email Digest] Plugin moved to the “Core” category
  • [User Limits] Plugin moved to the “Core” category
  • [Social Login] Login with Apple
  • [Social Login] Let users disconnect from social login by using password reset even if not logged in
  • [PeepSo] Move focus to search bar and highlight it once GIPHY interface is opened
  • [PeepSo] Performance improvements in MayFly temporary storage engine
  • [PeepSo] Improved logic and interface around profile details
  • [PeepSo] let hashtags widgets display up to 100 hashtags
  • [PeepSo] Move Repost to Advanced and rename the box
  • [PeepSo] GIPHY: more granular admin controls
  • [PeepSo] Raise username length limit to 50
  • [PeepSo] Rename Hide Activity Stream from Non-logged in Users
  • [PeepSo] Reorganize Appearance Config
  • [PeepSo] Add default action text when empty
  • [PeepSo] Add more flexibility to the “absolute dates” setting
  • [PeepSo] Datepicker problem with Elementor
  • [PeepSo] Markdown rendering issue when the Use Regular Linebreaks config is enabled
  • [PeepSo] Notification box not full-width in mobile if compact mode is disabled
  • [Photos] Loading issues with Community Photos widget
  • [Photos] Setting Cover or Avatar does not apply to currently viewed photo after using prev/next buttons
  • [Social Login] WooCommerce guest checkout issues
  • [Gecko] New mobile menu
  • [Gecko] Side navigation bar (BETA)
  • [Gecko] Customizer: Global line-height
  • [Gecko] Customizer: Logo text & tagline colors
  • [Gecko] Customizer: sticky PeepSo navigation bar
  • [Gecko] header blend mode does not implement proper transparency

OCTOBER 20, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Installer and licensing support for Monthly Ultimate Bundle
  • [PeepSo] Support @peepso_user_XYZ mentions outside of PeepSo context
  • [SocialLogin] Ability for logged-in user to “disconnect” from Social Login and set a new password.
  • [WooCommerce] 5.8.x compatibility
  • [PeepSo] Let admin disable PeepSo override on WP Admin Bar
  • [SocialLogin] Users do not need a “change password” field in “account” tab if registered via a social provider
  • [PeepSo] Mentions don’t work when editing a Post Background type
  • [PeepSo] Blog Posts integration creates multiple items in the stream if /%category/%postname%/ permalinks are used

No changes.

OCTOBER 12, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Admin Bar settings are now in PeepSo Appearance config
  • [PeepSo] Allow custom fields to be “registration only”
  • [PeepSo] Post Backgrounds: stable version
  • [App] Mobile App: stable version
  • [Groups] Let admin define a limit of categories for groups
  • [Photos] Add navigation to lightboxes opened from the widget
  • [WooCommerce] WooCommerce 5.7.x compatibility
  • [WooCommerce] Profile link to Dokan vendor dashboard
  • [PeepSo] Use actual user avatar in PeepSo User Bar compact mode switcher
  • [PeepSo] Vague error message on registration when nonce check fails
  • [Groups] Allow group creation if categories are required but not available
  • [PeepSo] Rendering problem with the ‘read more’ button.
  • [PeepSo] duplicated members when `firstname` and `lastname` value are empty
  • [Chat] Hardcoded string when user left the conversation
  • [Friends] Errors when friends limit exceeded
  • [Media] Elastic Transcoder – thumbnails not generating properly
  • [PMP] Problem with blog post content in the stream caused by PMP access limits
  • [SocialLogin] Social Media Login is not working with special characters
  • Customizer: Remove Admin Bar settings
  • Customizer: Logo text & tagline colors
  • Customizer: Option to hide sticky bar on mobile/desktop
  • Customizer: Global line-height
  • Header should properly support heights under 80px
  • Styling of WP posts (titles, images)
  • Styling of WP Latest Posts widget/block
  • WP post dates should be a permalink
  • Styling of WP pingbacks and trackbacks
  • Styling for multi-level menus

September 21, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Add some third party plugins to opt-in stats
  • [App] Mobile app plugin โ€“ Public Beta
  • [Events] Recurring events
  • [App] Hide Gecko admin options if Gecko is not the active theme
  • [App] Check if a third party compatible wrapper plugin is present
  • [Digest] Add a scrollable wrapper to โ€œSent Email Digest Logโ€
  • [PeepSo] Add context to the language string โ€œSavedโ€
  • [PeepSo] Unable to edit comment with emoji
  • [Groups] Problem with group moderator and visibility of group list
  • [Media] Drag-and-drop on media uploader is not working and interfering with the photo uploader behavior.
  • [VIP] VIP icon list not following dark theme
  • New widget position: sticky above header
  • Vertical positioning fixes for custom header heights

September 13, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Move the email registration block/allow lists from User Limits to Foundation
  • [PeepSo] Update plugin usage stats
  • [APP] Let admin disable Logout and Preferences from PeepSo Navigation
  • [APP] Let admin disable page titles
  • [APP] Let admin disable โ€œscroll to topโ€
  • [Events] Profile Calendar View integration
  • [Events] RSVP buttons in calendar view
  • [Events] RSVP buttons in widgets
  • [Events] Configurable limit of attendees in the sidebar
  • [WPAdverts] โ€“ Option to exclude ad categories from creating the activity stream
  • [APP] WPMA wrapper display issues
  • [Events] Post-to-stream cleanups
  • [PeepSo] PeepSo dark default CSS improvements
  • [PeepSo] Human friendly timestamp handling wrong in Arabic
  • [PeepSo] Misalignment of markdown ordered list
  • [PeepSo] Android typing/deleting issues
  • [PeepSo] No post content when using the RePost function
  • [Media] 3gp video uploads are shown as audio URLs
  • [PMP] PeepSo widgets missing on guest view when TranslatePress and PMP enabled
  • [WPAdverts] Issues with widgets and SEO friendly links
  • New widget position: sticky top
  • Stop using register_block_type() โ€“ it is plugin-territory
  • Improve rendering for menus with very many items
  • WordPress Theme Repository standards

August 30, 2021

  • [App] Mobile App wrapper integration Beta (Early Access)
  • [Events] The plugin is out of beta
  • [Friends] New โ€œexperimental fast friends queriesโ€
  • [Media] separate Maximum upload size for audio upload
  • [PeepSo] Ability to edit Post Background posts
  • [SocialLogin] Do not render anything if no providers are enabled
  • [WooCommerce] WooCommerce 5.6.0 compatibility
  • [WPAds] donโ€™t show expired ads on PeepSo classifieds page
  • [PeepSo] Doubled text in notification on hover
  • [Chat] People who arenโ€™t friend can still sent messages via โ€œnew messageโ€ button
  • [Chat] Sending a message while on a group page might result in an additional empty notification
  • [Giphy] Fallback if a GIF item does not have a preview url
  • [Media] Error not displaying after a failed upload
  • [PMP] Registration flow issues with TranslatePress
  • New widget positions: above & below content
  • Styling WordPress blocks as widgets โ€“ Phase 1
  • Dark mode for WP Event Manager
  • Blog posts styling
  • WordPress Theme Repository standards
  • Add missing โ€œscroll to topโ€ visibility setting
  • Overlapping ReCaptcha badge

August 17, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Security issue: non-admin users are able to perform some front-end administrative tasks edit other userโ€™s posts, avatars, covers without becoming administrators.
  • [PeepSo] PHP requirements lowered to 7.2
  • [PeepSo] WordPress requirements lowered to 5.4
  • [User Limits] Ability to create / manage events
  • [User Limits] Ability to RSVP to events
  • [CHAT] Primary key for mrec_msg_id breaks fresh installs
  • [PMP] PMP 2.6 admin JavaScript messes up PeepSo config pages
  • Styling for TranslatePress menu-based language switcher

August 10, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Add avatars to post action titles
  • [Groups] Add avatars to post action titles
  • [Social Login] New provider: WeChat (BETA)
  • [User Limits] Ability to create / manage events
  • [User Limits] Ability to RSVP to events
  • [Giphy] Use only GIF based render methods
  • [Events] Open profile RSVP filters to non-owners
  • [Social Login] Change configuration โ€œcallbackโ€ fields to self-selecting inputs
  • [PeepSo] WP 5.8 embeds (blog, events) not responsive on mobile
  • [PeepSo] Link previews from pinned posts sometimes display under other posts
  • [PeepSo] PeepSo license calls break with TranslatePress plugin present
  • [Events] Multi-selects donโ€™t work well in profile view
  • [Events] Profiles: โ€œRSVPโ€ filter option should not be present if RSVP is disabled
  • [Events] Ajax RSVP still running even when the RSVP setting is disabled.
  • Mobile menu (RTL)
  • Default buttons should follow Gecko primary buttons if no styles are present
  • Conform to WordPress repository standards (Stage 1)

August 4, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Support for 5 year licenses in the Installer

No changes.

August 2, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Dynamic / state-aware tooltips for Schedule, Mood, Location
  • [PeepSo] Post Backgrounds: Hashtags
  • [PeepSo] Post Backgrounds: max length & linebreaks
  • [PeepSo] / JetPack compatibility mode
  • [Events] Attendee list in the sidebar
  • [Events] Let event owners mute RSVP notifications on per-event basis
  • [Events] Override the organizer name only if the name is empty
  • [Events] Owners RSVP status must always be YES after creating
  • [Events] RSVP state filter in user profiles
  • [PeepSo] Performance: donโ€™t perform autoload filesystem checks for non-PeepSo classes
  • [PeepSo] Enable Saved Posts by default
  • [PeepSo] Remove the Save/Saved label next to saved posts
  • [PeepSo] Usage stats improvements
  • [Events] Dashboard buttons / URL handling improvements
  • [Events] Do not render RSVP buttons in embed context
  • [Friends] Typo in birthday widget
  • [Groups] Replace the โ€œFollow & Notifyโ€ button label with icons
  • [PeepSo] Leaving # at the end of the post creates empty hashtags
  • [PeepSo] Post Backgrounds: translation file
  • [Chat] Installation fails if the server requires primary keys on all tables
  • [Events] Search / filtering not working in WPEM dashboard / profile integration
  • [Social Login] Unable to save configuration from Redirection or PeepSo tab
  • โ€œClick to expandโ€ if a single photo that is very long
  • Add dropdown with both Customizers to admin bar
  • Unnecessary escaping on preset names

July 30, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Security fix. Thanks to the report we got from dannyhelmer36.

No changes.

July 22, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Installer: improve handling of newly release add-ons

No changes.

July 21, 2021

  • [All] WordPress 5.8 compatibility
  • [All] Support for the WEBP image format
  • [All] Let third parties hook in before and after a template is executed
  • [All] Soft phase out the PeepSo widget position
  • [PeepSo] Post Backgrounds (BETA)
  • [PeepSo] Filter for customising the minute interval in post schedules
  • [PeepSo] Add release date to code, warn admin when running an old version
  • [Social Login] New providers: Amazon, BitBucket, Dropbox, GitLab, Slack, Strava, Telegram and Twitch
  • [Social Login] Let admin define icon colors and backgrounds
  • [Social Login] Add tooltips to icons in front-end
  • [Social Login] Let admin sort the providers manually
  • [WooCommerce] 5.5.1 compatibility
  • [PeepSo] Move all external cron settings to one place
  • [PeepSo] Donโ€™t use full size covers on member listings
  • [EDD] UX & white label improvements in the front-end
  • [Media] Add video/audio item title to listings
  • [Media / Limits] Separate โ€œuploadโ€ and โ€œlinkโ€ limits for videos and audio
  • [Social Login] Admin UI/UX improvements
  • [PeepSo] Conflict with Flatsome theme
  • [Groups] PHP Notice in $wpdb->prepare()
  • [Groups] Group Members donโ€™t display properly when name styles are set to โ€œusernameโ€
  • [Media] Using wp_check_filetype() without a custom MIME list might lead to WordPress interfering with what is allowed for users to upload
  • WordPress 5.8 compatibility
  • Reorder widget positions to better reflect their natural order
  • Attachment page should not use the attachment as page background

July 5, 2021

  • [SocialLogin] Login with Reddit
  • [Groups] Let admin disallow multiple groups having the same name
  • [Woo] PeepSo flow to let users become Vendors
  • [EarlyAccess] Post Backgrounds BETA 2
  • [EarlyAccess] WP Event Manager BETA 1
  • [All] Unify the โ€œthird party is requiredโ€ messages and provide useful links to obtain them
  • [PeepSo] Alphabetical member sorting issues
  • [PeepSo] Login for doe not detect context menu paste action
  • [PeepSo] Admins not showing in listings when using Advanced Access Manager
  • [PeepSo] Uploading a file with name matching a PeepSo user to WP Media Manager breaks their profile view
  • [Photos] Photo disappears until reload when removing the URL preview
  • [SocialLogin] Social Login interferes with third party AJAX calls
  • [WPAds] Setting โ€œsoldโ€ flag breaks the view
  • WooCommerce Booking form styling
  • Userbar widget notification icon misaligned on some sites

JuNE 28, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Early Access: strip formatting / HTML from Post Backgrounds
  • [Groups] Users with numeric usernames canโ€™t post because of Groups plugin interference
  • [Photos] Animated GIFs not working with Amazon S3
  • [PMP] Payment gateway checkout flow broken
  • [Videos] Latest badgeOS breaks video uploads / conversions
  • [Videos] Configuration page crashes if shell_exec is unavailable
  • Customizer: better labels for postbox colors options

JuNE 21, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Userbar Widget settings moved from Gecko customizer to PeepSo widget options
  • [PeepSo] PeepSo Installer
  • [EarlyAccess] Post Backgrounds
  • [PMP] Let admin enable/disable registration integration
  • [SocialLogin] EDD & WooCommerce integrations
  • [WOO] Raise the supported version to 5.4.1
  • [PeepSo] Add ctype library discovery to Site Health
  • [PeepSo] Improve cache storage for member widgets
  • [Groups] Let admin define batch sizes when loading Group categories to improve load times
  • [SocialLogin] support for template overridesworking
  • [PeepSo] Input borders/shadows issues/missing on iOS
  • [PeepSo] Unable to reset password when ReCaptcha is enabled
  • [PeepSo] Selecting post schedule causes the photo option to reset
  • [PeepSo] Wrong notifications position in RTL
  • [PeepSo] Latest members widget shouldnโ€™t count non-verified users
  • [PeepSo] Unify profile cover image height on mobile
  • [BadgeOS] Call to wp_reset_query() causing 404 in profile page
  • [Groups] Different size on mobile between profile cover and group cover
  • [LearnDash] Do not award course completion icon to users who already have it
  • [MyCred] Cannot change like_peepso_content hook limit
  • [VIP] Layering (z-index) issues in lists
  • Userbar Widget settings moved from Gecko customizer to PeepSo widget options
  • Customizer: Additional options for Activity Stream
  • Sub-menu layout improvements
  • Landing page login hidden in Landing Page if Registration is set to Home Page

JuNE 2, 2021

  • [AdvAds] Visitor condition: PeepSo Profile: Country. Implements all classes that meet the โ€œinstanceof PeepSoFieldSelectSingleโ€ condition.
  • [PeepSo] Tweak postbox input/edit post input font-size
  • [PeepSo] Password reset conflict with All In One SEO plugin
  • [Groups] Send group membership notifications to Managers as well as Owners
  • [PeepSo] register button is not faded/disabled on first load when reCaptcha enabled
  • [PeepSo] Unable to edit post with emoji
  • [PeepSo] Logging out in a different tab does not prevent AJAX calls from running in another
  • [PeepSo] Configuration options not rendering properly in RTL
  • [Groups] Groups JavaScript firing unnecessarily in profile tabs
  • [Limits] With โ€œDisable new postsโ€ based on avatars, new avatars are not listed in the album
  • [Limits] โ€œDisable new postsโ€ should not affect automatic posts
  • Improved UI/UX when registration is set as landing page
  • Customizer: โ€œHide sidebars โ€œon Blog Posts not working
  • UserLimits duplicated on wide/full profile covers

May 10, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Let admin disable auto-mention on comment reply
  • [PeepSo] Bricks Builder compatibility
  • [AdvancedAds] Title override for PeepSo Stream ad type
  • [Chat] Messages / Chat context menu improvements (Stage 1)
  • [Media] Improve uploaded videos display in lightbox
  • [SocialLogin] Cloudflare compatibility (wp_clear_auth_cookie)
  • [PeepSo] Missing row breaks in lightbox captions
  • [PeepSo] MarkDown not rendering properly in reposts
  • [Chat] Missing โ€œreadโ€ CSS class in full message view
  • [WPAdverts] Classifieds are published to stream before payment confirmation
  • iOS ignores the mobile zoom settings
  • SeedProd โ€œComing Soonโ€ compatibility
  • Sticky sidebar spacing issues

April 28, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Basic support for Borlabs Cookie Plugin (BETA)
  • [PeepSo] Playing videos of unusual (vertical/tall) proportions
  • [PeepSo] Editing interface in lightbox is too tight
  • [PeepSo] too much whitespace when parsing BlogPost PeepSo excerpt
  • [PeepSo] Datepicker conflict with WP User Frontend plugin
  • [PeepSo] Elementor: PHP notice on Widgets PeepSo Profile
  • [Chat] Text selection/cursor positioning issues on iOS
  • [Limits] โ€œNo coverโ€ rule interfering with member listings
  • Dokan โ€“ dark mode improvements

April 21, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Improve login form error verbosity in cases where admin
  • turned on โ€œrequire email to loginโ€ and user having their browser
  • auto-fill โ€œlogin and passwordโ€ combo
  • [BadgeOS] PHP 8 issues loading profile > badges
  • [Groups] Posts display both in group and user profile if they have the same vanity URL
  • [LearnDash] PHP 8 issues loading profile > courses
  • [LearnDash] PHP 8 issues loading LD activity items on the stream
  • [Photos] Postbox should not accept โ€œphotoโ€ post type when no photo (just text) was added
  • [SocialLogin] Request parameter conflict prevents Elementor Pro account linking from working
  • [WooCommerce] 5.2.2 compatibility

No changes.

April 13, 2021

  • [BREAKING] PeepSo now requires PHP 7.3
  • [BREAKING] PeepSo now requires WordPress 5.5
  • [PeepSo] Ability to turn off user blocking
  • [PeepSo] Let admin defne preferred thumb size in WP embeds
  • [PeepSo] Allow password preview
  • [PeepSo] New field type: yes/no
  • [PeepSo] Ensure banned users are immediately logged out and canโ€™t log back in
  • [CHAT] Play a sound when a message is received
  • [PHOTOS] Let admin enable GIF autoplay
  • [PeepSo] Do not load unnecessary scripts on frontend
  • [PeepSo] Divi Builder compatibility improvements
  • [PeepSo] Some widgets load too late under the new AJAX queueing system
  • [PeepSo] disabling public privacy with filters causes PHP warnings in profile preferences
  • [Media] hashtags on video description shouldnโ€™t be displayed as PeepSo hashtags
  • [Photos] open photo comment notification should open comments section on mobile
  • [SocialLogin] Remove unnecessary calls to session_start()
  • [WpAdverts] โ€œmark as soldโ€ does not show up
  • [PeepSo] posting other user profile link showing own profile on the link preview
  • [PeepSo] Text fields set to 0 are not handled properly
  • [PeepSo] Duplicated approval email for admin when user clicks/visits the confirmation link more than once
  • [UserLimits] Wrong profile completeness value used when calculating non-core fields
  • Ability to display tagline next to logo
  • Scrollable sidebars
  • Builder friendly page template
  • Elementor Theme Locations API (stage 1)
  • Add new Google fonts
  • Page options: search (stage 2)
  • Page options: EDD products
  • Improve styling on EDD widgets
  • Header blend page/post option is not working properly

March 30, 2021

  • [WooCommerce] Ensured compatibility with 5.1.0
  • [PeepSo] Improve installation scripts for PeepSo database tables
  • [PeepSo] Improve embeds of the static front page
  • [PeepSo] Block Wholesale plugin from redirecting our login AJAX calls

No changes.

March 24, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Blocked users layout should be two columns
  • [PeepSo] Default log-in redirect on fresh installs should be โ€œno redirectโ€
  • Style improvements for Product Vendors

March 9, 2021

  • [WooCommerce] Dokan integration
  • [PeepSo] Custom comment limit for pinned posts
  • [PeepSo] Let admin disable nonce checks for registration and password reset
  • [Other] โ€‹WordPress 5.7, PHP 8 and jQuery 3 compatibility
  • WordPress 5.7, PHP 8 and jQuery 3 compatibility
  • Dokan styling
  • Videos are not responsive in blog posts

March 1, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Show more reactions on activity post (if possible)
  • [PeepSo] Notif bubble on the โ€œlittle guyโ€ still visible when itโ€™s empty
  • [PeepSo] Hashtag not always highlighted in photo lightboxes
  • [PeepSo] Post timestamp missing if absolute dates = always and WP date set to d/m/Y
  • Custom logo height (desktop & mobile)
  • Page options: optional container with background color
  • Ability to exclude WP RSS feed page from Gecko guest redirects
  • Invalid unsaved changes notice.
  • Header icon not centered if we increase nor decrease the header height
  • No post title on posts (blog) page

February 23, 2021

  • [PeepSo] More compact UI design under profile covers
  • [PeepSo] Admin only โ€œlogin with e-mailโ€ โ€“ wrong error message when incorrect password provided
  • [PeepSo] Minor UI overlap issues
  • [PeepSo] Improve compatibility with third party avatar solutions when โ€œuse WP avatarโ€ is enabled
  • [PeepSo] Profile view counter sometimes counts double
  • [PeepSo] Divi compatibility mode icon issues
  • [Groups] Oop up login form is not rendered on group page when viewed as guest
  • Customizable group cover height
  • Customizable blog excerpt length
  • Improve PMP styling
  • No images showing for posts in WP Search

February 15, 2021

  • [BREAKING] PeepSo now requires PHP 7.2 or newer
  • [BREAKING] PeepSo now requires WordPress 5.4 or newer
  • [PeepSo] Name Based Avatars
  • [PeepSo] ReCaptcha during login
  • [PeepSo] Let admin disable logins with username
  • [PeepSo] Let admin define a custom T&C / PC policy Page(s) and open it in a new tab when registering instead
  • [PeepSo] AJAX queue/request pressure limiter module
  • [PeepSo] Handle AJAX exception gracefully
  • [Groups] Rename โ€œclosedโ€ groups to โ€œprivateโ€
  • [Groups] Add an โ€œexact phraseโ€ option to the group search
  • [WooCommerce] Ensure compatibility with WooCommerce 5.0.0
  • [Other] Ensure compatibility with PHP 8.0
  • [Other] Start preparing for WordPress 5.7
  • [PeepSo] Hide registration-related configs if registration is disabled.
  • [PeepSo] Minor language improvements
  • [AdvancedAds] Allow โ€œcenterโ€ and โ€œimgโ€ tag in PeepSo Stream Ads & implement a filter to allow further customization
  • [Groups] Improve search/filter interface
  • [Photos] Lightbox comment section UI/UX improvements
  • [SocialLogin] Cloudflare compatibility
  • [EarlyAccess] New Search: search results UI design & fixes
  • [PeepSo] Cannot reply on comment after expanding previous comments
  • [PeepSo] Unable to change profile avatar due to a conflict with BBQ Firewall plugin
  • [PeepSo] Unable to crop avatars due to missing CSS class in dark color scheme
  • [PeepSo] User already approved by admin who accidentally clicks e-mail confirmation is switched back to Pending Admin Approval
  • [EDD] Wrong redirect after updating a payment method
  • [Friends] Avatar obscures name in birthday widget if name is too long
  • [Groups] Members shouldnโ€™t get notification about group avatar/cover changes when the settings disabled
  • [Groups] Members group tab menu canโ€™t be scrolled on mobile view
  • [Photos] Albums photo counts inconsistent
  • [Photos] Admin unable to access โ€œonly meโ€ albums
  • [Photos] Thumbnails not cropped properly if the original image is smaller than the thumb size
  • [PMP] PMP redirection interferes with WooCommerce checkout
  • [SocialLogin] canโ€™t create PMP discount codes when PeepSo SLAI is activated
  • [WPAds] Improve compatibility with renewing ads feature
  • Add notification count to the notifications toggle icon in PeepSo UserBar
  • Advanced options for background sizing/positioning/style in PeepSo landing/register box
  • Google fonts โ€“ improve adding new fonts & optimize loading
  • Do not load unnecessary assets on frontend
  • Improve sub-menu positioning
  • Better PeepSo Search support on Header & Sidebars

January 18, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Early Access: Include Awesome Support Documentation in New Search
  • [Groups] Closed groups can now auto-accept members
  • [WooCommerce] WooCommerce 4.9.0 compatibility
  • [PeepSo] Lightbox with long captions โ€“ comments UX
  • [PeepSo] Ensure embeds follow the โ€œnew tabโ€ setting
  • [PeepSo] โ€œDisable link previewโ€ option dissapears after post edit
  • [PeepSo] Early Access: Avatar preview defaults to old gendered avatar when deleting user photo
  • [Groups] Scrolling UX in โ€œpost to groupโ€ list
  • [Photos] Show x more comments button sometimes is not showing on lightbox
  • Background image option
  • Switched the login and registration forms on the landing page (desktop)

January 12, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Let admin disable reset password delay
  • [PeepSo] Let admin redirect default WP registration to PeepSo registration
  • [PeepSo] Early Access: Name Based Avatar admin preview
  • [PeepSo] Early Access: SVG avatars scaling in e-mail notifications
  • [PeepSo] Comment section on lightbox design improvement on mobile
  • [PeepSo] Notification box half hidden if widget profile is in right sidebar
  • [PeepSo] PHP errors triggered on the search page if there are no results
  • [Chat] New page is created during activation if the peepso_messages shortcode has arguments
  • [Chat] The same message might render twice under high load / slow AJAX
  • [Groups] PHP warnings in error log when expanding/collapsing group categories in admin
  • [Photos] Uploaded GIFs are glitching out on mobile
  • [Polls/Groups] non group members shouldnโ€™t be able to take a vote on group poll
  • Logo URL redirect setting
  • Improved sticky sidebar performance on mobile
  • Switched the login and registration forms on the landing page (mobile)
  • 404 page design wrong with bottom widgets
  • No expected gap above the navigation bar if Builder Friendly mode is enabled
  • Sticky sidebar overlaps bottom widgets

January 5, 2021

  • [PeepSo] Better stream performance on websites with thousands of user blocks
  • [Videos/Groups] Missing space between group name and โ€œposted a videoโ€

No changes.

Community by PeepSo

Super-light and free social networking plugin for WordPress