Changelog 2018

Changelog – 2018

DECEMBER 28, 2018

No changes.

  • Center Profile Avatar & menu options
  • Page options are now available on Single posts
  • Larger user avatars when in profile view
  • Profile widget – show avatar/cover on other users profile

DECEMBER 18, 2018

  • [PeepSo] Server Sent Events node.js implementation & further refinements
  • [GROUPS] Let admin define default group sorting
  • [COMPATIBILITY] Let admin override Divi Builder CSS with a โ€œcompatibility modeโ€ switch
  • [PeepSo] Single page issues with custom WP URL
  • [PeepSo] Allow UTF chars in e-mail config
  • [PeepSo] Missing scrollbar in moods selection box
  • [BlogPosts] Unnecessary br tags in template
  • [CHAT] Users unable to copy text
  • [CHAT] Missing photo in pop-up
  • Footer widgets
  • Footer menu position
  • Customizer: Theme width, more footer customizations
  • Landing Page: Custom Redirect Button for logged in users
  • Page Options: Hide sidebars on mobile only
  • Improved header position on mobile view
  • Load Google font from local directory
  • Remove meta from Products in WooCommerce
  • Fixed Landing background on mobile

DECEMBER 3, 2018

  • [PeepSo] Server Sent Events (closed alpha)
  • [PeepSo] Separate โ€œnetworkโ€ configuration tab in preparation for SSE options
  • [PeepSo] 404 on SEO links
  • [PeepSo] issues in member listings related to sorting via User Query
  • [PeepSo] navigation issues when WP URL is different from Site URL
  • [PeepSo] setting comment count to 0 still renders comments
  • [PeepSo] slow query in latest members widget
  • [PeepSo] updates donโ€™t work if 3rd party is using the EDD update library
  • [PeepSo] invalid upload dir used if the setting is empty
  • [BLOG] USP integration stays enabled after deactivating the USP plugin
  • [FRIENDS] admin unable to see posts with โ€œfriendsโ€ privacy
  • [GROUPS] invite interface not showing members (related to User Query)
  • [COMPATIBILITY] PHP 7.3 issues in photo albums
  • [COMPATIBILITY] WordPress 5.0 issues with avatar albums
  • Builder friendly page template
  • Full width page option
  • Full width header option
  • Hide sidebars option on every page
  • New Customizer settings & General section (links color, bg color, bg image and its position)
  • Added Dropdown menu to navbar
  • Update Engine
  • Fixed WooCommerce Title & Images on product page
  • Fixed Navbar which overlaped content
  • Excerpt on blog posts
  • Broken icons on content editor

november 21, 2018

  • [PeepSo] New Licensing & Updates Engine
  • [AV] Rebrand โ€œVideosโ€ to โ€œAudio & Videoโ€
  • [AV] Separate configuration for Audio & Video
  • [AV] Ability to disable Audio and/or Video completely
  • [AV] Separate postbox for Audio & Video
  • [AV] Allow widget content separation
  • [AV] Optional Artist and Album fields
  • [AV] integration
  • [CHAT] Add shortcode arguments to control guest behavior
  • [PROFILES] Country field type
  • [CHAT] Paginate the messages overlay to avoid high resources usage if user has a lot of messages
  • [CHAT] Show avatars in the sidebar
  • [MYCRED] Refactor the plugin to match code standards
  • [PeepSo] conflict between โ€œuse PeepSo avatars everywhereโ€ and โ€œuse WP avatarsโ€
  • [PeepSo] Using Divi Builder disables โ€œPublicโ€ privacy
  • [PeepSo] Phase out the upload directory config option
  • [AV] Lightbox issues in Firefox
  • [AV] Wrong SEO link in Video Converted e-mail notifications
  • [BLOG] Full USP Pro integration
  • [FRIENDS] Member sorting not working properly
  • [GROUPS] Group activity not counted in User Engagement dashboard
  • [PHOTOS] Display issues with Latest Photos widget
  • [POLLS] Polls unavailable if user profile slug is identical as group slug
  • [VIP] Wrong link to โ€œmanage iconsโ€
  • [VIP] Popover does not trigger on profile covers
  • [SECURITY] minor XSS vulnerability in members listing
  • [SECURITY] SQL injection via brute force tables
  • [GECKO] Beta release

november 6, 2018

  • [PeepSo] Hover Cards (Stage 2 – VIP)
  • [PeepSo] PHP compatibility checks with verbose warnings
  • [UltimateMember] Ultimate Member migration plugin
  • [Videos] Support for audio file uploads
  • [VIP] Configurable icon display count
  • [PeepSo] Reorganize backend UI & UX
  • [PeepSo] Move โ€œReportโ€ inside the same cog as โ€œBlockโ€ in mobile view
  • [PeepSo] White label the no-reply e-mail setting
  • [PeepSo] Group cron, shortcode and license warnings
  • [PeepSo] Unify cover ratios in widgets, Hover Cards etc
  • [BlogPosts] Trigger Hover Cards in author box
  • [EmailDigest] Some strings not translatable
  • [VIDEOS] Require exec() only if shell_exec() is not found
  • [VIP] Show icons next to tagged user names
  • [COMPATIBILITY] Conflict with WPForo caused by using the same upload library
  • [PeepSo] Canโ€™t report user from profile page
  • [PeepSo] Field placeholders not translatable
  • [PeepSo] Some strings not translatable
  • [PeepSo] Unable to search users by first/last name
  • [PeepSo] Login form fails when displayed more than once
  • [PeepSo] Issues readjusting cover after releasing the mouse
  • [PeepSo] Account activation fails when re-sending the code
  • [Photos] New albums not displaying under PHP 7.3
  • [Photos] Timestamp issues after adding photos to albums
  • [VIP] Deleted badges still showing – with wrong icon
  • [WPAdverts] Unnecessary question mark in URL when SEF is enabled

october 18, 2018

  • [PeepSo] Hover Cards (Stage 1)
  • [HASHTAGS] add hashtag to the postbox when viewing a hashtag stream
  • [PeepSo] better โ€œfresh installโ€ experience for new users
  • [PeepSo] disable Location by default
  • [PeepSo] do not require peepso_external_link shortcode if the option is disabled
  • [PeepSo] replace deprecated FreeGeoIP API with IPstack
  • [PeepSo] remove directory writability check
  • [PeepSo] randomize GDPR archive name
  • [PeepSo] new optional parameter for get_cover($size) to generate resized covers on-the-fly
  • [PeepSo] require password to change username or e-mail
  • [PeepSo] New mobile UI/UX for profile navigation (Stage 2)
  • [GIPHY] navigation buttons too small on mobile
  • [GROUPS] allow longer group names (64 chars)
  • [USERLIMITS] automations need to be able to post in userโ€™s name even if the user is not allowed to post
  • [USERLIMITS] add progress bar to the widget
  • [COMPATIBILITY] use POST in PeepSo notification AJAX to avoid cache issues with SuperPWA plugin
  • [COMPATIBILITY] BlogPosts comments integration not working in Newspaper theme
  • [COMPATIBILITY] Hashtags widget issues in Elementor plugin
  • [PeepSo] fatal error for non-admin account preferences when birthday field is unpublished
  • [PeepSo] pages_with_shortcode() returns page URL instead of site URL and breaks navigation in certain setups
  • [PeepSo] multiple slashes in URL if peepso_activity is a Front Page
  • [PeepSo] โ€œprocess mailqueueโ€ button is not working
  • [GROUPS] owners are unable to delete and edit comment replies
  • [HASHTAGS] nothing loads on hashtag stream if there is a pinned post
  • [LEARNDASH] translations not loading
  • [PHOTOS] upload issues in Safari
  • [REACTIONS] list of post reactions returns an error for guests
  • [USERLIMITS] user limitations not showing in BlogPosts comment integration section

october 8, 2018

  • [PeepSo] Let admin decide which pages with PeepSo shortcodes to use in navigation
  • [PeepSo] Let users hide their birthday year if itโ€™s rendered as a date
  • [PeepSo] New mobile UI/UX for profile navigation (Stage 1)
  • [PeepSo] Online member widget SQL query optimization
  • [PeepSo] Notification counter updates
  • [PeepSo] Use JavaScript to force-strip spaces from usernames during registration
  • [PeepSo] Rename peepso_activate for better white labeling
  • [PeepSo] Queues screen code and UI cleanup
  • [COMPATIBILITY] WP Statistics plugin conflict with Photos over duplicate Guzzle library
  • [COMPATIBILITY] Fast Velocity Minify plugin kills PeepSo JavaScript
  • [PeepSo] Users are unable to change avatars and covers when peepso_activity is set as Front Page
  • [PeepSo] Admin cannot save profile field names due to JavaScript conflicts
  • [PeepSo] Users see their own PeepSo avatar with guest comments
  • [PeepSo] GDPR data table fails to create
  • [FRIENDS] Deleted users still count as friends
  • [PROFILES] Some hidden profile fields are still indirectly searchable
  • [REACTIONS] Reaction names are auto capitalized in notifications
  • [LEARNDASH] PeepSo hooks fire too late and Groups are not added after a Stripe payment
  • [VIDEOS] Errors thrown in empty widgets

september 24, 2018

  • [PeepSo] Single screen to manage all Queues
  • [PHOTOS] Let admin decide to delete files from local storage after offloading to the cloud
  • [PHOTOS] Switched to Amazon S3 API v3 (from v1)
  • [VIDEOS] Let admin decide never to upscale videos
  • [VIDEOS] Optional .webm preview animation
  • [PeepSo] Warn users about navigating away from a postbox that is not empty
  • [PeepSo] Rename “peepso_activation_code” parameter for better white-labeling
  • [PeepSo] Better embeds when linking pages from the same website
  • [VIDEOS] Store temp files outside of media folder to avoid offloading plugins deleting the file before conversion
  • [VIDEOS] Hide uploads in Media Library from non-admins
  • [VIDEOS] Better attachment title in Media Library
  • [VIDEOS] Immediately publish uploaded videos and show “awaiting conversion” message
  • [VIDEOS] Delete uploaded files when deleting a post
  • [VIDEOS] Upload percentage should always show as XX.YY%
  • [VIDEOS] Improve scaling algorithm
  • [PHOTOS] Better fallback when previously enabled Amazon S3 integration is switched off
  • [COMPATIBILITY] JetPack (lazy loading)
  • [COMPATIBILITY] Elementor Author Box (“use PeepSo Avatars Everywhere”)
  • [COMPATIBILITY] Genesis Framework
  • [COMPATIBILITY] King Visual Composer (Groups shortcode)
  • [COMPATIBILITY] Internet Explorer 11 (JavaScript promises not defined)
  • [PeepSo] JavaScript issues with RePost
  • [PeepSo] Browser cache interferes with cropping avatars
  • [PeepSo] External link warning redirects wrong when URL contains a plus sign
  • [PeepSo] “Disable e-mail activation” should work for all third party registrations
  • [PeepSo] Missing “?” in blocked members URL
  • [PeepSo] Double / in URLs
  • [CHAT] Deleted users should not count in unread messages
  • [USERLIMITS] Users who should be hidden on listings due to profile completeness show to users with 100% completeness
  • [USERLIMITS] Users who never logged in should not show on members page if profile completeness limits are set
  • [GROUPS] Some pinned group posts stay pinned in main activity stream even if disabled in settings
  • [HASHTAGS] Handing of URLs containing #anchors
  • [TRANSLATIONS] Small fix in German translation & missing domains in some strings
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Race Condition with Groups JavaScript
  • [VIDEOS] Shortcodes showing in video descriptions
  • [PHOTOS] Occasional warning in photo lightbox
  • [DIGEST] Use proper GET params to trigger the cron job

september 3, 2018

  • [PeepSo] Let admin disable e-mail account activation
  • [BLOGPOSTS] User Submitted Posts integration.
  • [VIDEOS] Support for 4k resolution.
  • [VIDEOS] Notify user if video can’t be converted.
  • Updated built-in translations – catching up from 1.11.0.
  • [VIDEOS] Vertical videos UI / UX improvements
  • [VIDEOS] Postbox UI / UX improvements.
  • [VIDEOS] Hook video cleanup event to the maintenance script.
  • [USERLIMITS] Add css classes to debug.
  • [PeepSo] Create attempts log table issue.
  • [VIDEOS] Process videos starting from the oldest.
  • [ADVADS] Sometimes ads appear on first position.
  • [GROUPS] Issues with Groups shortcode when group page is set as front page.
  • [WOOCOMMERCE] Can’t save shipping address when using non english site.

august 21, 2018

  • [PeepSo] Override admin navigation menu
  • [VIDEOS] Video Uploads. Make sure to read documentation or forever hold your peace. Seriously.
  • [PeepSo] Improve buttons behavior for PeepSo+AppPresser environment
  • [CHAT] Do not fetch initial messages on minimized chat windows.
  • [GIPHY] Remove https before submitting comment and re-add it on the server side.
  • [GIPHY] Selection in Chat.
  • [VIDEOS] Embed Flickr video
  • [MULTIPLE] Get rid of unnecessary page titles.
  • [PeepSo] warning when install PeepSo on subfolder.
  • [PeepSo] Emoji problem on postbox.
  • [PeepSo] Ajax Endpoint Issues.
  • [PeepSo] Failed login attempts emails.
  • [CHAT] Minimum delay on initial ajax request of peepso_should_get_chats.
  • [WPADVERTS] Missing close div tag.
  • [BLOGPOST] Comment form does not appear when using Enfold theme.
  • [MULTIPLE] User automatically becomes community member.
  • [MULTIPLE] Order of post attachments.

july 25, 2018

  • [GROUPS] Post to stream when joining a group. Feature sponsored by Dale
  • [PEEPSO] Brute Force Protection Settings.
  • [PEEPSO] Login Widget.
  • [PEEPSO] Let admin define a list of emails to receive report notifications.
  • [PEEPSO] Limit how many reset password emails can be sent.
  • [PEEPSO] Getting Started Page.
  • [PEEPSO] Remove the file directory step from first installation.
  • [PEEPSO] Remove url on notification icon.
  • [PEEPSO] Forms improvements.
  • [PEEPSO] Update the upgrade instructions when there’s a new version available.
  • [CHAT] Set long-polling interval to maximum when browser is in the background.
  • [LIMITS] Add classes to HTML debug so it’s style-able.
  • [GROUPS] Users should be able to like and comment on Read-Only Group.
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Hide comments integration header for guests.
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Hide “this requires CM” when author profiles are disabled.
  • [MULTIPLE] Improvements of the guest experience.
  • [PEEPSO] Malformed link.
  • [PEEPSO] Trim license keys upon entered (type, paste, etc).
  • [PEEPSO] Warning on account activation.
  • [PEEPSO] Path issues when wp installed on subfolder.
  • [PEEPSO] Wrong email template when approving user.
  • [PEEPSO] Empty message when postbox element is duplicated.
  • [LD] Users should not get VIP icons after finishing courses that don’t have a VIP icon assigned.
  • [PMP] Redirect loop if PMP level page not created.
  • [MULTIPLE] Autofriends does not work with latest WooCommerce Social Login.

july 10, 2018

  • [PeepSo] Notify Admins about new reports. Feature sponsored by Dale
  • [PeepSo] Show who reported an item. Feature sponsored by Dale
  • [GROUPS] Read-only Announcement Groups. Feature sponsored by Dale
  • [PeepSo] Add more options to ajax maximum setting.
  • [PeepSo] Filter for image sizes.
  • [GROUPS] Let owner disable new member notifications.
  • [GROUPS] Let admin decide to display pinned Group Posts as regular Posts on non-Group Streams.
  • [PeepSo] Refresh landing page html/css.
  • [PeepSo] Refresh register forms design.
  • [MULTIPLE] Refresh dashboard design.
  • [PeepSo] Possibility to add class on register form field wrapper.
  • [PeepSo] Disable Location when key is missing.
  • [PeepSo] change language for “next” button in registration.
  • [PROFILES] Allow date validation to be set in the past.
  • [LEARNDASH] Remove inline CSS.
  • [WORDFILTER] Admin interface improvements.
  • [PeepSo] AJAX call get_taggable() fires more than once.
  • [USERLIMITS] Automatic posts generated when user can’t post.
  • [PeepSo] Move “uninstall reason” ajax.
  • [PeepSo] After login, activity stream for logged-in user should be loaded instead of activity stream for guest.
  • [PeepSo] Tagged user highlight is misaligned.
  • [PeepSo] Bug in registershortcode.php
  • [PHOTOS] Fix language domain.
  • [GROUPS] Fix sorting by member count.
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Thumbnails are too small.
  • [MULTIPLE] WPML compatibility.
  • [MULTIPLE] Missing “get it now” in some admin notices.

june 27, 2018

  • [CHAT] Implement smart timing in single message view.
  • [PeepSo] Make sure the post-toolbar action fires above PeepSo content when toolbar is disabled.
  • [PeepSo] Nested pages handling.
  • [PeepSo] Unable to open another members profile page.
  • [BLOGPOST] Warning on stream title.
  • [WOOCOMMERCE] Check for deprecated functions.
  • [WPADVERTS] Invalid edit url.
  • [PHOTOS] Invalid timestamp.
  • [PMP] Missing “membership” in navbar.
  • [PMP] Check for PMP based on class, not path.

june 11, 2018

  • [PeepSo] Let admin allow username changes.
  • [PeepSo] Let admin disable registration.
  • [PeepSo] Let admin configure redirect after user account verification / email activation.
  • [PeepSo] GDPR archive deletion.
  • [PeepSo] GDPR automatic archive deletion.
  • [PeepSo] Clean up usernames passed as emails.
  • [PeepSo] Configurable min / max / multiplier AJAX intensity settings.
  • [PeepSo] Secure “forgot password” and “resend activation” with Invisible ReCaptcha.
  • [PeepSo] Automatically insert space after a person to be tagged.
  • [PeepSo] Hide “resend activation” until really necessary.
  • [CHAT] Make sure that i_am_typing is not sent more often than once in X seconds.
  • [PMP] Let admin decide whether to send emails to members with no plan.
  • [MULTIPLE] Move re-cache operations to cron.
  • [MULTIPLE] Minify all Javascript and CSS files.
  • [BLOGPOST] Conflict with 3rd party plugin: SW WooCommerce.
  • [PeepSo] Resend activation code sends two emails.
  • [PeepSo] Wrong link activation.
  • [PeepSo] Notice when render error messages on form account.
  • [WOOCOMMERCE] Groups page 404 when WooCommerce Memberships plugin installed.
  • [Polls] Placeholder text issue.
  • [WPADVERTS] Missing create button in profile page.
  • [WPADVERTS] Invalid content position.
  • [WPADVERTS] Invalid edit url.
  • [MULTIPLE] Fixed typos in descriptions of some configuration options.

may 29, 2018

  • [PeepSo] let admin disable Tags, Moods, Location.
  • [PeepSo] More verbose descriptions โ€“ GDPR.
  • [PeepSo] Remove the files when delete the request โ€“ GDPR.
  • [PeepSo] Improve layout of the Addons listing in backend > PeepSo > Addons.
  • [PeepSo] Change email inputs to type=โ€emailโ€.
  • [PeepSo] Prevent Submit form when press enter on text field.
  • [PeepSo] Force logout when clicking recover link.
  • [PeepSo] Add apply/set button to the datepicker to finalize date selection.
  • [PeepSo] Add script to check entered passwords on reset password page.
  • [MULTIPLE] Admin configurable โ€œmessages only from friendsโ€ default.
  • [PeepSo] Wrong language domain in Location.
  • [PeepSo] Invalid translation in 404.
  • [PeepSo] Missing login error dialog.
  • [POLLS] Unable to create polls using arabic word.
  • [PHOTOS] Photo gallery problem on RTL site.
  • [CHAT] Cannot open send message popup outside of PeepSo pages.
  • [GIPHY] GIF image selector problem on RTL site.
  • [VIDEOS] Facebook video is not loaded on popup.
  • [REACTIONS] Notice when delete file cache.
  • [WPADVERTS] Conflict with members and groups page.
  • [MULTIPLE] Unable to search by multiple field.

may 7, 2018

  • [PeepSo] GDPR Compliance. You can read more about it here. Yes, it affects you even if you live / have your business registered out of the EU.
  • [PeepSo] Add option to hide PeepSo Toolbar.
  • [PeepSo] Add user menu from toolbar to UserBar widget.
  • [VIP] Modal showing badge summary.
  • [MYCRED] Localization in place for backend settings.
  • [PeepSo] Wrong text domain.
  • [PeepSo] Lightbox issue on iOS.
  • [PeepSo] Deactivation email change.
  • [PeepSo] JavaScript error on admin page.
  • [PMP] No activation email sent.
  • [BLOGPOST] Blocked WordPress comment form on CPT.
  • [MULTIPLE] Translation is not working on windows servers.

APRIL 23, 2018

  • [PeepSo] User Bar widget.
  • [PeepSo] Location merged into PeepSo. As such Location plugins has been discontinued.
  • [PeepSo] Moods merged into PeepSo. As such Moods plugins has been discontinued.
  • [PeepSo] Tags merged into PeepSo. As such Tags plugins has been discontinued.
  • [PeepSo] Admin configurable default post privacy.
  • [Multiple] Professional translations for German, French and Spanish included within PeepSo and all of its plugins.
  • [PeepSo] Ultimate Bundle key auto-applies to newly activated plugins.
  • [PeepSo] Check if email is registered when requesting an activation code.
  • [PeepSo] Default email template styling.
  • [PMP] Disable email notification for expired users.
  • [PHOTOS] Improve modal layout on mobile.
  • [PHOTOS] Change โ€œView full imageโ€ to โ€œDownloadโ€.
  • [AUTOFRIENDS] Include users registered via other plugins.
  • [PeepSo] User shows in widget when โ€œHide my profile from all user listingsโ€ is enabled.
  • [PeepSo] Escape special characters issue with T&C.;
  • [PeepSo] Styling improvements to containers / overflow.
  • [PeepSo] Broken notification URL if user put [peepso profile] on activity.
  • [PeepSo] Incorrect notification request sequence.
  • [BLOGPOST] Fix missing comment box for specific themes.
  • [PHOTOS] Swipe photos in modals on mobile.
  • [MYCRED] Fixed an error showing when PeepSo is disabled.
  • [WPADVERTS] Send chat message button on classified-type activities is not working.
  • [WOOCOMMERCE] Conflict with โ€œWooCommerce PayPal Express Checkout Gatewayโ€ plugin.
  • [EMAIL DIGEST] multiple emails sent when emails already generated in the mailqueue.
  • [AUTOFRIENDS] Admin unable to add user if user has wordpress role other than subscriber and administrator.
  • [Multiple] Fixed date field validation during registration.

APRIL 5, 2018

  • [MULTI] Repeat โ€œload moreโ€ every X posts.
  • [CORE] Add CSS classes to โ€œresendโ€ links.
  • [CORE] Fire an action when user role changes.
  • [CORE] Change โ€œUser nameโ€ to โ€œUsernameโ€ in registration page.
  • [CORE] Url fetched multiple times.
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Cut support to pages and non-blog post types.
  • [BLOGPOST] Move comment box to original WordPress comment box position.
  • [CORE] Notifications on iOS devices.
  • [CORE] Activate license return response 403.
  • [CORE] Mention โ€œsave buttonโ€ in licensing errors / config.
  • [CORE] User tagging highlighting is not working on edit or reply comment.
  • [GROUPS] ajax-loader.gif is hardcoded.
  • [HASHTAG] Hashtag is not rendered on shared activity.
  • [CORE+HASHTAGS] Stream result not refreshed.
  • [PROFILES] Duplicate field is not searchable.
  • [WPADVERTS] Classified page is not accessible from navbar on first installation.
  • [MULTI] Missing group name in stream title.

MARCH 19, 2018

  • [CORE] Mark banned users.
  • [CORE] License place for PeepSo Ultimate Bundle key.
  • [CORE] Email Styling Overrides.
  • [VIP] Ability to assign multiple icons.
  • [MULTIPLE] Probably added a few minor bugs to fix in the upcoming versions.
  • [CORE] Remove redundant header / footer email overrides.
  • [VIDEOS] Filter the final output โ€“ compatibility with 3rd party video players.
  • [GROUPS+PMP] Email notification still sent to expired members.
  • [CORE] PHP 7.2 compatibility.
  • [CORE] Search for โ€œ.โ€ shows hidden JS code.
  • [CORE] Avatar / cover files not deleted properly.
  • [GROUPS] (groupname) doesnโ€™t have videos yet.
  • [FRIENDS] Wrong day in upcoming birthday widget.
  • [PHOTOS] photos_allowed_user_space allow 0 for unlimited.
  • [PHOTOS] Photo is not deleted in AWS storage.
  • [VIDEOS] Alter wp_peepso_videos table.
  • [MARKDOWN] Markdown not rendered in modal windows.
  • [MULTIPLE] Core+Hashtags search results shows only posts โ€“ thereโ€™s no comments shown.

MARCH 5, 2018

  • [CORE] Safety warning on inputs.
  • [CORE] Exit gateway for URLs.
  • [CORE] Orange / Brown theme.
  • [ED] Add monthly interval
  • [CORE] Move โ€˜reportโ€™ on Posts to the right.
  • [CORE] Raise recommended PHP version to 7.2.
  • [WOO] Change language domain.
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Justify author box description.
  • [HASHTAGS] Hashtags in album description.
  • [CORE] PeepSo dropdown conflict with Bootstrap javascript library.
  • [CORE] Hardcoded admin URL.
  • [CHAT] SINGLE Message view hangs Chrome.
  • [PHOTOS] Typo when called function.
  • [VIDEOS] Check and support OEmbed video type.
  • [REACTIONS] Fix icons alignment on IE.
  • [LOCATION] Update google maps API doc.
  • [GROUPS] Join button accesibility.
  • [MULTIPLE] Improve loading javascript files.
  • [MULTIPLE] PHP 7.2 Error notice.
  • [MULTIPLE] PHP 7.2 count() Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable

FEBRUAry 13, 2018

  • Plugin: WooCommerce Integration.
  • [CORE] Override entire email template in backend.
  • [EMAILDIGEST] Add monthly interval.
  • [CORE] Add โ€˜otherโ€™ as free text for user to write the reason for report.
  • [CORE] Hide all comments when set to โ€œ0โ€.
  • [CORE] Login โ€˜remember meโ€™ checked by default.
  • [CORE] Social Login Integration info.
  • [BLOGPOSTS] User should not be able to edit the activities created by BlogPosts.
  • [BADGEOS] Update max version to 1.4.10
  • [MULTI] Language changes.
  • [TAGS] Config email tempate for tag user in comment.
  • [CORE] Notices in peepso > dashboard > most recent content > comments.
  • [GROUPS] Missing groups for some users.
  • [GROUPS] Non-member photo modal.
  • [GROUPS] Sort by members count.

january 29, 2018

  • [CORE] Email footer / header overrides settings.
  • [CORE] Support for Social Login with WP Web plugin.
  • [CORE] Admin option to default all emails to off.
  • [CORE] Enable/Disable all in notification preferences.
  • [ED] Add a setting to edit / change the email title.
  • [GROUPS] Notify admins when new group is created.
  • [GROUPS] Configurable default email subscription for new group members.
  • [HASHTAGS] Widget sorting, display style & minimum hashtag count.
  • [BLOGPOSTS] New setting: add title to action text.
  • [MULTIPLE] Let admin disable ALL e-mail notifications for a given user.
  • [CORE] Remove โ€œmails to processโ€ setting.
  • [CORE] Ability to pass limit and timeout to MailQ cron.
  • [CORE] Add โ€œhome pageโ€ option to login/logout redirects.
  • [CORE] Add action to render custom HTML above inputs when editing profile fields.
  • [CORE] Allow email verification when already logged in.
  • [CORE] Notification preferences are unreadable by screen readers.
  • [CORE] Make sure deleted accounts are actually gone.
  • [CORE] Send message button on the profile is unreadable by screen readers.
  • [CORE] โ€œunsubscribeโ€ link improvements.
  • [GROUPS] show group I belong to in notifications screen.
  • [FRIENDS] Handling of multiple requests.
  • [MULTIPLE] Ability to add dates in the future.
  • [LOCATION] Config improvements.
  • [BLOGPOSTS] Clean up language strings.
  • [CORE] Console raises errors due to duplicate html ID.
  • [CORE] Security issue with automatic login upon account verification.
  • [CORE] Divi z-index conflict with widgets.
  • [CORE] Resend activation โ€“ always use the same code for the same user.
  • [CORE] โ€œGenderโ€ field label is not taken from profile field name.
  • [CORE] Donโ€™t show Gender in search when disabled.
  • [TAGS] Tag user in reply comment photo activity.
  • [TAGS] Tagged in comment URL 404.
  • [REACTION] โ€œspeechlesโ€ typo.

january 17, 2018

  • [HASHTAGS] New Plugin.
  • [CORE] Allow other plugins to add stream filters.
  • [CORE] SOCIAL links in PeepSo configuration footer.
  • [CORE] Activity HTML entities rendering.
  • [CORE] Stream filters rendering in mobile.
  • [GROUPS] Add follow button to group listing.
  • [MARKDOWN] Code blocks removed.
  • [PROFILES] Custom Single Select Search Fields rendering on Members Page.
  • [CORE] Clearfix class conflict.
  • [CORE] Invalid language domain name.
  • [CORE] Untranslatable string.
  • [CHAT] Messages view hanging Chrome.
  • [CHAT] Untranslatable string.

january 10, 2018

  • [CORE] Search in Posts.
  • [PROFILES] Member search by custom single select fields.
  • [MARKDOWN] Code highlighting.
  • [CORE] Performance โ€“ optimize core images sizes.
  • [CORE] Handling of Unicode characters
  • [CORE] Embeded links.
  • [LIMITS] Donโ€™t show limits in the frontend if a related plugin is disabled
  • [MARKDOWN] Code escapes.
  • [CORE] Text on lighbox not localized.
  • [CORE] Error on console when delete account.
  • [CORE] Adminbar global notifications redirect.
  • [CORE] User display multiple times in Members page.
  • [CORE] Wrong link on most recent content comment dashboard.
  • [CORE] Notification popovers autoload not working on mobile.
  • [ED] Add extra check to prevent email being sent so same user.
  • [POLLS] Unable to select option when using RTL language.
  • [VIDEO] Unpublished videos still counted on video widgets.
  • [LIMITS] Users who canโ€™t comment can still reply.
  • [MYCRED] Invalid profile url on leaderboard widget.
  • [PHOTOS] Daily photo upload limit exceeded.
  • [GROUPS] Uncategorized is not hidden when empty.
  • [BLOPOSTS] blogposts not rendered on stream.
  • [MULTIPLE] Showing users who are not approved yet.

Community by PeepSo

Super-light and free social networking plugin for WordPress