Category: Community Management

  • Are You a First or Last Resort Community? And Does it Matter?

    Are You a First or Last Resort Community? And Does it Matter?

    While most brand communities would say they exist โ€œTo help our customersโ€, or potential customers, they probably fall into one of two camps: first resort or last resort.

  • How to Improve Retention After Onboarding Is Complete

    How to Improve Retention After Onboarding Is Complete

    We talked previously about how to onboard and integrate new members into your community. The main focus was on making them comfortable:

  • The Most Common Mistakes in Online Community Development

    The Most Common Mistakes in Online Community Development

    Developing your online community takes a lot of hard work. Youโ€™ll make mistakes and learn lessons, but hopefully have a blast bringing it all together and watching it grow. But to help you avoid a few common stumbling blocks, weโ€™ve put together this quick-fire list of mistakes and pitfalls weโ€™ve seen through years of building…

  • Product Communities VS Support Communitiesโ€”Whatโ€™s the Difference?

    Product Communities VS Support Communitiesโ€”Whatโ€™s the Difference?

    At first glance, itโ€™s natural to believe that there is no difference between support and product communitiesโ€”after all, arenโ€™t all communities built around product discussions and supporting members? The distinction is a subtle one: while service communities are about creating a great place to be, product communities are more about creating a great resource for…

  • Changing Your Community’s Purpose or Directionโ€”Without Losing Your Members?

    Changing Your Community’s Purpose or Directionโ€”Without Losing Your Members?

    Weโ€™ve written before about how to identify and define your communityโ€™s purposeโ€”but what if you decide to change course or head in a new direction? 

  • How User-Generated Content Can Help Grow Your Community

    How User-Generated Content Can Help Grow Your Community

    Handled correctly, user-generated content is one of the holy grails of online communities. With the community manager putting out fires almost 24-7, imagine having your extremely qualified, expert members creating posts and content on their own, and generating huge engagement in the process? The strategy can be hugely powerful and has worked for major brands…

  • Understanding the โ€œ90-9-1″ Rule and How to Optimize It

    Understanding the โ€œ90-9-1″ Rule and How to Optimize It

    It is generally accepted that there are 3 categories of users within online communities:  The 1%โ€”Extremely active users who contribute the vast majority of content, answers, and activity.  The 9%โ€”All other casual or occasional contributors.  The 90%โ€”The โ€˜lurkersโ€™ who only consume content (or donโ€™t log in at all) and never contribute directly. 

  • The Benefits and Drawbacks of Closed Online Communities

    The Benefits and Drawbacks of Closed Online Communities

    On the surface, having a closed online community might seem the obvious route. You get to vet and filter new members and donโ€™t have to deal with trolls and Karens slamming your content every day. However, there are serious risks associated with growth and sustainability of closed groups, so we encourage you to weigh up…

  • Monetizing Your Community Without Selling Your Soul

    Monetizing Your Community Without Selling Your Soul

    Like most business ventures, the answer to generating profit from your community doesnโ€™t lie in some lazy hack. Itโ€™s easy to start spamming your community with ads, merch, and membership fees…but it needs to be handled professionally. Do it wrong, and you might not have a community left to monetize.

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