Category: Release

  • PeepSo 1.7.4 Is Out!

    PeepSo 1.7.4 Is Out!

    First and foremostโ€ฆ Yaay! We are finally able to release PeepSo 1.7.4. Yes, it took a bit longer than we anticipated, but there were things we just couldnโ€™t ignore. In the middle of the development process we started getting reports suggesting that the performance could be improved. We finished up the Group Categories, and got…

  • PeepSo 1.7.3 Is Out!

    PeepSo 1.7.3 Is Out!

    PeepSo 1.7.3 available now. Itโ€™s focus was to fix a couple of bugs that snuck through so there are no shiny new features. We wanted to make sure everything is stable and in order first.

  • PeepSo 1.7.1 Is Out!

    PeepSo 1.7.1 Is Out!

    PeepSo 1.7.1 is now out and ready for you to install! We mainly focused on the GroupSo plugin in this version, but weโ€™ve also added a couple of new features and improvements to Core and to other plugins too.

  • PeepSo 1.7.0 Is Out!

    PeepSo 1.7.0 Is Out!

    PeepSo 1.7.0 is out and available to you right now. I’m sure you want to rush off and download it right away, but first do take a moment to read through what’s new in this version. I also wrote a post a couple of days ago describing the Development and QA process that the version…

  • PeepSo 1.6.3 Is Out!

    PeepSo 1.6.3 Is Out!

    In the previous release we totally redid the notifications in PeepSo. We also did the Photo Albums, and those changes made us all very, very happy. So happy, in fact, that we decided to make more of them. In this release, weโ€™ve brought a giant bag of brand-new and shiny!

  • PeepSo 1.6.2 Is Out!

    PeepSo 1.6.2 Is Out!

    PeepSo 1.6.2 introduces another series of great features, improvements and bugfixes. Yeah, weโ€™re on a roll here ๐Ÿ™‚

  • PeepSo 1.6.1 Is Out!

    PeepSo 1.6.1 Is Out!

    PeepSo 1.6.1 is a security release. We’ve patched exploitable AJAX endpoints allowing users to modify non-PeepSo user meta data. 

  • PeepSo 1.6.0 Is Out!

    PeepSo 1.6.0 Is Out!

    This is a huge milestone for PeepSo. The new version is packed with many of the features our customers have been asking for. Itโ€™s a massive step up. I encourage you to update PeepSo today to enjoy all these great enhancements. First though, a special thanks to our Beta testers for helping us making version…

  • PeepSo 1.5.7 Is Out!

    PeepSo 1.5.7 Is Out!

    PeepSo 1.5.7 has been released and is now available for download. Itโ€™s a minor compatibility release that ensures everything works well with the latest version of WordPress 4.5.

Community by PeepSo

Super-light and free social networking plugin for WordPress