Category: eCommerce

  • 10 Reasons Why Social Networking Sites and Apps are Important for Customer Engagement

    10 Reasons Why Social Networking Sites and Apps are Important for Customer Engagement

    Closing the “expectation gap” – or the difference between what customers expect and what they receive, is one of the major concerns of today’s marketers. Brands fall short of current expectations for speed and customization across all channels while using classic marketing tactics on social media.

  • Product Communities VS Support Communitiesโ€”Whatโ€™s the Difference?

    Product Communities VS Support Communitiesโ€”Whatโ€™s the Difference?

    At first glance, itโ€™s natural to believe that there is no difference between support and product communitiesโ€”after all, arenโ€™t all communities built around product discussions and supporting members? The distinction is a subtle one: while service communities are about creating a great place to be, product communities are more about creating a great resource for…

  • Monetizing Your Community Without Selling Your Soul

    Monetizing Your Community Without Selling Your Soul

    Like most business ventures, the answer to generating profit from your community doesnโ€™t lie in some lazy hack. Itโ€™s easy to start spamming your community with ads, merch, and membership fees…but it needs to be handled professionally. Do it wrong, and you might not have a community left to monetize.

  • 20 Most Inspiring Customer Service Quotes

    20 Most Inspiring Customer Service Quotes

    We all know that good customer service is more important than ever. When itโ€™s really good, it can also be a very effective sales and marketing tool. On the other hand, customer service is a hard, serious, and responsible job.

  • Customer Service Myths

    Customer Service Myths

    Customers prefer the companies that provide better customer service. This trend is now being followed by a lot of businesses. This has led to misconceptions about customer service delivery. Itโ€™s sometimes difficult to differentiate between fact and myth. Some companies do their businesses believing widespread myths about customer service.

  • How to Make Gamification WORK for Your Community

    How to Make Gamification WORK for Your Community

    Weโ€™ve looked previously at why gamification is powerful for online community engagementโ€”today we want to explore the practical steps you can take to make it work for your community. 

  • The Customer is Always Right… Right?

    The Customer is Always Right… Right?

    Is the Customer Always Right? You have heard the saying โ€œThe customer is always right.โ€ The classic golden rule of customer service. Also, the most debated and misunderstood rule in the industry too.

  • The Difference Between Customer Service and Customer Support

    The Difference Between Customer Service and Customer Support

    Customer Service and Customer Support. Everyone knows these terms, but what is the difference between them? In everyday life, you probably donโ€™t notice any difference. Both, at first glance, seem similar. Customer Service and Customer Support, both involve helping customers, using similar tools, like chat or tickets. They are critical to the customer experience delivered…

  • Give Human-like Support for Your Online Products with a Community!

    Give Human-like Support for Your Online Products with a Community!

    Great support can make or break your eCommerce store. Your online products may sell now, but what about when people need help? How? You can create a community around your products while you’re offering support.

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