Category: eCommerce

  • Remember Email?

    Remember Email?

    Having an email is a necessity in the digitalized world of Today. An email is our virtual address and a vital part of our ID as much as our physical address โ€“ if not even more.

  • Are You Using Upselling Techniques on Your eCommerce Store?

    Are You Using Upselling Techniques on Your eCommerce Store?

    In retail, upselling is the key to growing the top-tier of your customer base. Whether your store is physical or digital makes no difference; eCommerce is commerce. The question is how will customers know you have a better option without an upgrade prompt? They wonโ€™t. But weโ€™re here to help.

  • Online Advertising – How to do it Right

    Online Advertising – How to do it Right

    When we say โ€œadvertisementโ€œ or simply mention ads, we will usually receive two types of immediate reactions, depending on the targetโ€™s position.

  • What is Digital Rights Management (DRM)?

    What is Digital Rights Management (DRM)?

    In a world of not just eCommerce, but digital eCommerce, sometimes you need to protect your digital products. Some of us remember sharing music over Naptster. (Can you believe it was shut down twenty years ago?)ย  The rights of digital product owners came in the form of DRM. What is Digital Rights Management and how…

  • Are You Blogging About Your Online Products?

    Are You Blogging About Your Online Products?

    You have an eCommerce store and you’ve optimized your product pages. You have great images, reviews, and stellar copy. Are you blogging about your online products, too?

  • Bad vs Good Customer Service

    Bad vs Good Customer Service

    In the modern digital age, customer service is very important. We engage with brands and companies regularly, and not always things go as planned. We all can tell the difference between good and bad customer service. 

  • When Was the Last Time You Updated Product Descriptions?

    When Was the Last Time You Updated Product Descriptions?

    Well-written product descriptions can make or break your online store. They shouldn’t be too short or too long. Itโ€™s a little bit like Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Product descriptions need to be just right. And, interesting enough to buy.

  • How Do You Thank Your Online Store’s Customers?

    How Do You Thank Your Online Store’s Customers?

    Your storefront is digital; but your customer appreciation doesn’t have to be. Your online store can break the digital barrier with two words “thank you.” Those two words go a long way to express gratitude.

  • Are You Updating Product Pages to Include Product Reviews?

    Are You Updating Product Pages to Include Product Reviews?

    In our last post, we talked about product images and the importance of optimizing them. But thatโ€™s not all that should be optimized. The product page itself can be more than a step before a shopping cart.

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