Don Brady cover photo
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October 3
About Me
Three young adult children (a blessed man), former USMC, west coast transplant courtesy of the Corps. Home is paradise, San Diego, CA (best weather on planet, and nicest large city here in the states). Profile cover is Lake Tahoe, CA and if ya like to hike, just get away (no cell service 😊) and in CA, do check it out. Cell will get used, the scenery is awesome!
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Business OwnerNon-profit organzation
About My Community

Our Free Nation is a modern day reflection of The Green Dragon Tavern. The Green Dragon Tavern was a public house used as a tavern and meeting place located on Union Street in Boston’s North End. In 1764, under the organization of Dr. Joseph Warren, Paul Revere and others who were opposed to the more “establishment oriented” St. John’s Lodge (sound familiar). The tavern was purchased by St. Andrew’s Lodge to be use as a meeting place for their lodge. Naturally, the Freemasons kept the Green Dragon Tavern running as a tavern and bar. The Freemasons used the first floor for their meeting rooms. The basement tavern was used by several secret groups and became known by historians as the "Headquarters of the Revolution". The Sons of Liberty, Boston Committee of Correspondence and the Boston Caucus each met there. The Boston Tea Party was said to have been planned there and Paul Revere was sent from the Tavern to Lexington on his famous ride. In January 1788, a meeting of the Mechanics and Artisans of Boston passed a series of resolutions urging the importance of adopting the Federal Constitution pending at the time before a convention of delegates from around Massachusetts.

The Green Dragon Tavern was not just a tavern or meeting place, but a place representing the freedom loving spirit of our forefathers. Men who were willing to stake everything on their convictions and beliefs.

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United States