New week and a new bugfix release focusing on moderation improvements for blacklisted domains, new Gecko Customizer color options, as well as introducing a completely new addon to PeepSo portfolio – File Uploads.
Blacklisted Subdomains
If you’ve previously blacklisted domains from which you don’t want users to register on your site, you’d quickly come to realization that subdomains of that particular domain were not blocked and users could still register using the restricted domain.
With this version, adding the domain to the blacklist will automagically block all subdomains for that particular domain as well.
Cosmetic Improvements
Numerous little styling fixes are added to improve overall icon alignment, we’ve fixed the behavior of comment boxes when more than one is clicked at the same time, and we even added some completely new color options for the Hashtags widget.

File Uploads
One of the commonly requested features was the ability to let users upload all kinds of different files to the community.
File Uploads plugin will enable you to do just that – allowing users to upload various file types that Admin has allowed in configuration. Users will be able to post files in profiles and groups, have a wonderful listing of all files they uploaded to the site, activity streams will be created automatically when files are uploaded, and so much more.
This is however an ALPHA 1 build of the plugin, which is NOT recommended to be used on production sites. Some of the features are disabled because they are still in development, and these include but are not limited to:
- Ability to post files in chat and comments
- Ability to control who can upload files in User Limits plugin
Do not worry, however; our developers are hard at work to complete these features and you can expect the BETA version very soon.
NOTE: We will not endorse the use of this plugin on production sites and you are strongly advised to only install it on test sites. Support for File Uploads plugin is not yet provided, but we are open for suggestions and bug reports.
You can download the plugin from your account if you have any kind of Ultimate Bundle license.

As always, you can see our changelog for all the details.
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